Chapter 13 - Annoyances

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Author Note: Not sure you deserve this... you didn't comment much in the last chapter!  So not feeling the love... there are 99 more comments on 11 than 12... when I post a new chapter, there is rarely any new comments on the last one.

Adam was annoyed, that Bijay again skipped the training. He rarely showed up. Between terms, Fabian had agreed to put in a rule about skipping, as there was nothing going right now. The new rule: there could only be two unexcused absences before failing the class, and they had set if you fail three classes you couldn't graduate.

Putting it out of his mind, he went for lunch to relax. He missed being able to mingle, but with so many foreign wolves, he had to sit at the head table instead of being with the wolves to check on them. Most seemed happy, but he liked to chat with them.

After lunch, Adam joined Zane as they walked off to the clearing again to work with him on his Were form.  Knowing their third form was outside the scope of the school, as Turned wolves rarely were put forward by their packs to learn, and those that were had already been taught it.  With Zane just having the Rogue killed, that had finally unlocked the ability of him to access it, and he needed to be taught, as there were classes it was needed.


It had been a rough week for Zane before he finally was able to consistently call up his mid-form. Two days ago he had finally been able to do it but when he tried a second time failed miserably. Even yesterday it had been sporadic though he had a better feel for it now. Today Adam had made him take his mid-form from both his human and wolf side. He was going to end up having another headache and soak in the hotsprings but he felt he knew enough to be able to keep calling the mid-form up with practice.

"I think I have it Adam, I will need to practice several times a day for the next week but I am sure I have it down." Zane rolled his head on his shoulders before rolling his shoulders to get rid of the tension. Once he was good with the form then more fun stuff... Exercise, combat training, hunting, heaven only knew what else.

Sitting down, he leaned against a tree, and nodded to Zane to begin once again, "Well, if you think you have it, shift." If he could do it on command, he could be released to do it on his own.

The way Zane ended up thinking of it was he jumped at his wolf even as his wolf jumped at him. When the change hit and finished he clapped a paw over his face and groaned, "Darn it! When we merged I almost imagined some sort of anime wolf and human merging with all the flashy lights and stuff." He didn't watch much but others in his team did, "So wrong in so many ways." That was a definite grumble when he said it.

Adam started laughing so hard to that he fell over to the side and continued to laugh, "Whew!" he said when he finally caught his breath, "Now that is a funny thought. I know what you mean, even if I don't watch much." His wolf was still in stitches on his side in his mind at the thought.

Seeing him in his Were, "Now wolf, then back to Were." He started counting in his head; if he did then the fun would begin.

Zane's wolf wasn't as amused but he was still getting some amusement out of it. His human was an odd person at times. That was one of the weirder things he had thought about. When Adam told them to shift to wolf form he did. When they changed back to their mid-form Zane groaned again, "Why do I get this bad feeling every time we do this that stupid scene is going to play in my mind?" It had happened again which was just so disturbing.

Adam laughed a bit, "Well, you did that within what time I would expect. You are now free to use your Were when you want. I do want you to do it often, so that you can learn to do it. Next time you are on the obstacle course, do the Were one."

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