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            Hey guys, I'm sad to say this isn't an update. Senior year has turned out to be busier than I thought it would be, plus I'm currently suffering from writer's block! I just want to let you guys know, I've been working on bits and pieces of the next update for a while now, I just have found that the couple drafts I've made don't satisfy me. I don't want to bore you guys, but I'm also not trying to rush things. I have several plot ideas, but I'm trying to draw certain things out to thoroughly formulate the plot. I noticed that with The Shadow's Keeper, so much was going on and a lot of things were left unresolved, and left a lot of you confused. I don't want to do that for this story.

It may seem like a simpler plot than the previous books, but it's really not. This time, it's going to focus on rekindling and building Anne and Pan's relationship, and for as long as I've written Anne being so reluctant to love Pan, it's a challenge to break that down. Their whole relationship has been so restrained, that it's hard to imagine it finally happening, and to make sure I don't completely change their characters, you know?

Anyway, I'm still writing this story, I plan to finish it, so please be patient, stay with me. I'll get an update out soon, hopefully this week – so in the meantime, if you want to help break my writer's block, send me some ideas you might have for the story. We'll see if one of you or a few of you can give me something that you would like to read and visualize. As the writer of this series, it's my job to produce something not only enjoyable for me, but for you guys too. We're in this together <3 Thanks for reading! More updates soon!

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