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Hello, everyone! I know it's been a long time since I updated, and sadly, this isn't one. But I have several reasons for why my updates have been delayed. The main reason is because my word processor went down, so I can't type up the chapters I've drafted on paper. The only reason I can write this now is because I'm using the word processor in the Quotev/Wattpad text box. I haven't used this to write my updates because they're long and I don't like the limitations of such text boxes.

Secondly, I haven't been able to update because I've been busy with school work. I also recently got a job, so that is going to make me even busier. But I promise, this story isn't discontinued, I haven't forgotten about it. I have the updates, I just can't type them up just yet. I may improvise one of these days, to try and get the updates typed and uploaded, but until then, I would like it if you guys were patient with me. You've been patient with me, and that's great, but I just wanted to inform you guys of the situation and to reassure you that the updates will eventually be posted. I hope you all haven't forgotten this series either, I know it's been awhile. I love you all, I promise, and thanks for taking the time to read this! 

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