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Breaking from the surface of a spring, Pan's milky flesh glistened in the moonlight that towered above. It had been so long, he thought since had this kind of time to himself. Absolute stillness, he called it. It was never easy maintaining control over a group of rowdy boys, and now, a girl. Anne made things both harder and easier. And for that, she was all Pan could think about. He was never taught how to love properly. All he knew was the hatred that bound him for so long. Although, somehow, he knew what it was. He liked to think, she forced him to feel it.

But it didn't matter who forced the other to feel it first. All that mattered was that Pan would do anything to protect Anne. In knowing that, he wondered which one of his boys would try to harm her first. Anne had made her frustrations for Chester known. Since she punched Sawyer, she hadn't complained about him, so it was perhaps safe to say, she had put him in his place. Unless he would become another Benjamin, a boy of deeply instilled jealousy, a lust for vengeance the moment he was humiliated. Would Sawyer be different?

"Alright, who decided to invade the camp, this time?" Chester's voice came as he broke from beneath some underbrush. Pan emerged from the water with curious eyes. The blond was immediately bewildered at the sight of his leader, chest shimmering with water, dripping hair, and wide, green eyes. Chester's lips were ajar for longer than he noticed. The shock left him when the surprise left Pan and he sank into the water, rolling his eyes. "Oh, it's you," he groused. So much for that alone time. "Honestly, mate, do you ever rest?" Turning around, he pressed his back against the rocks that bordered the spring and slung his arms across. He allowed his legs to stretch out, toes bobbing on the surface of the water.

"I was just making sure that we had no intruders," Chester replied hesitantly and took a few steps forward.

"Of course, you were just doing what is expected of you," Pan mentioned as he watched his toes beneath his lashes, before lowering them until they brushed the slimy rocks of the plunge pool below. Rotating to face his potential second-in-command, he folded his arms onto the border of the pool and placed his chin on top. Chester's eyes scanned his face tentatively. "Surely, you suspected it would be someone in particular, it's written all over your face," Pan cut into Chester's daze. The blond shook his head.

"Should I have?" He inquired, lifting a brow.

"The prisoner girl, Anne -- you serpent," Pan accused, snarling.

Chester's sea blue gaze enlarged, the hair on his arms and nape of his neck bristling upon the ominous tone of Pan's voice. The most skilled lost boy's brows compressed in discomfort.

"I trusted that you handled her. When I suspected that there was an intruder, I pictured more along the lines of a pirate."

Pan couldn't help but chuckle defensively. "You're lying to me, Chester." He narrowed his perilous eyes, setting his jaw. Then, the tension in his jaw eased and his eyes softened, studying the boy attentively. "What is your obsession with her, laddie?"

Chester's lips went ajar, eyes shifting as her tried to find the words. Obsession? As far as Chester knew, he was only doing his job and all that Pan asked of him. He could hardly stand the girl, if that's what Pan meant. "Pan, I am only doing what you've asked of me, nothing more."

"Is that so?" Pan sneered. "I happen to believe otherwise, and with good reason. I've seen the way you look at her, the way you talk her down like she has something you desire."

Chester just shook his head, addled by Pan's words. "What does it matter, anyway??" He was clearly puzzled. She had nothing on him. "What's your obsession with her, huh?" He challenged with a daring countenance, furrowed brows, stone eyes, and clenched teeth. "You practically drag her around like she's some slave, you put her on a leash like some dog-- what's next? You're gonna sniff her ass like one, too??" He countered mockingly.

"Shut your mouth!" Pan exclaimed.

"Or what?"

Abruptly, Pan seized the front of Chester's shirt in fistfuls, seething. "Do you really want to test me?"

"I'm not afraid of you," Chester snarled.

"Then perhaps we haven't been properly introduced," Pan growled.

A.N. I busted this update out on little time, so if it has any typos, I apologize. I just wanted to get it out to you as soon as I could. I will try to fix it up tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed!    

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