
335 11 2

Word count: 1449

You fled the scene as fast as your black matte Lamborghini would take you, not giving a single mind at the numerous number of red stoplights you just ran through. You fled from the scene which ended in you running, seeking the luxury of your beautiful baby - your beautiful Lambo - with a safety switch free gun pressed firmly against your temple and your forefinger hovering, gently caressing the trigger - it was practically screaming to be clicked in your defense, at least you didn't give in to the temptation, right? Right! - anticipating the simple mistake you would so carelessly do, one way or another in which would eventually end with your cold lifeless body draped across something, well the cold stone floor in this situation but that mistake never came, sad. Joker would've been pleased, you're sure of it.

Oh how he wishes you knew how wrong you were with your wretched thoughts about death and his pleasure, it was just twisted even for him and he's already way up there. He's already beyond twisted and is at the mere brink of insanity but then again whose to say that he hasn't been there for a very long time? He obviously isn't considering that he's still with Harley and probably having the time of his life but who cares right? Certainly not you. The tears streaming down your face may have proved you completely wrong though.

You snickered at the thought. Huh, he's with Harley having a blast at the club while he sent you two of his henchmen. They might be his most trusted two but that isn't flattering enough for you to accept his forgiveness - if he ever asks for it, you highly doubt it though - or even hear his explanation. That fucking jerk didn't even have the decency to be the one to personally fetch you, asshole.

Well actually you weren't seeking the luxury of your car as you ran away - quite smoothly in your opinion - from Scott and Joe, it was the luxury of having (your boy best friend's name)'s arms wrapped around your middle as you guys cuddle while he would comfort and assure you that everything will be fine, eventually, somehow. Somehow, no matter how impossible it may seem to be. You smiled as you remember how he always says that.

Oh how you missed (y/b/b/f/n). It has been quite a while since you last seen him. You guys didn't talk as much since you and Mistah J - you rolled your eyes at the mere thought and mention of the name and the way it was said, most especially the way it was said - started dating. You wanted to keep him a secret from J, you told him that and he seemed to understand so he doesn't mind that much about how you guys aren't speaking or seeing each other as often as you guys usually would, it still bothers him though but what can he do? You wanted to keep him a secret for his own good, you wanted to keep him safe from any harm that may come his way. Especially ones from Joker's enemies. Just imagine how they would use (y/b/b/f/n) against you once they found out that you guys are linked. You couldn't stand the thought of (y/b/b/f/n) being in trouble because of you, you just couldn't, it would probably break you.

You sighed as you finally reached your destination. One that has been your second home whenever you left your first and actual home. (Y/b/b/f/n) and his family always welcomed you with open arms. They always treated you like one of theirs. Sometimes you felt that they were your actual family rather than just your best friend's. They understood you better and it always just feels like you belong with them. You can't even begin to explain it.

Sighing, you turned off your engine. Glancing at the passenger seat you stared at the gun you stole from Scott for some time. You were contemplating on bringing it just for safety purposes, but who would harm you in your second house right? You nodded your head as you grabbed the gun. Scott or Joe might come and get you.

You got out of your car and locked it as you were walking towards their front porch. You rang the doorbell and within seconds your second mom opened the door.

"(Y/n)! It's you!" She exclaimed as she hugged you. "(Your boy best friend's mother's name)! I'm glad to see you too!" She released you from the hug. "Come on Hun! Come in, come in" she ushered you in.

"(Your boy best friend's father's name)! We have a visitor. Come look who just arrived!" She exclaimed as she made you sit on the since the beginning of time comfortable couch of theirs.

"Who is--" (Y/b/b/f/f/n) stoped mid sentence as he saw you. "Oh darling (Y/n)! How have you been kiddo?" He asked as he hugged you. "I'm doing real great (y/b/b/f/f/n). How 'bout you guys? Where's ((y/b/b/f/n) and the others?"

"We're doing quite well love, but the boys are in our rest house in (your province or somewhere far) because I quote, 'Mom! Dad! We need a brothers week'" you chuckled as you heard (y/b/b/f/f/n) imitate one of the guys. "Oh really? Can I go to them? If that's alright?" You asked looking up st (y/b/b/f/m/n) as she stood up from her spot on the couch. "That would be fine love" she said smiling warmly at you as she disappeared inside the comforts of her lovely kitchen.

You turned back to look at (y/b/b/f/f/n). "I'm pretty sure nothing wrong would happen to you there. They wouldn't harm you one bit and I can guarantee you that." (Y/b/b/f/f/n) said as he warmly smiled at you. "Oh there's really no need to worry about me getting hurt when I'm with them because they always have been such protective freaks." You chuckled as he did. "I guess its time that I head out to start my journey towards the rest house." You said standing up. (Y/b/b/f/f/n) soon follows suit as he a companies you out the door. "Oh (y/n)!" (Y/b/b/f/m/n) called out as you were standing at the mouth of the door. "Oh you're leaving already?" She asked as she entered the living room. "Yeah, I should probably get going if I wanna get there before it gets dark because it isn't quite good nor safe to be driving there during the night" you said as she came over towards you and her beloved husband.

You were startled as you were suddenly trapped in the tight confines of (y/b/b/f/m/n)'s arms as she engulfed you in a bone crushing hug. "We're gonna miss you (y/n). Take good care of yourself." She said as she released you from that hug that you returned to her as soon as you could. "I will, I promise"

"I hope Joker's treating you well even if he is the most wanted criminal in Gotham city." She said as she stared intently in your eyes seeming genuinely worried about you. "He is. We're just having a bit of a misunderstanding right now and I just need time to think away from him." You replied telling her the truth but leaving the cheating part behind. "I hope you'll resolve that soon" she replied. "You and I both" you smiled at her, actually wishing that what you just said would come true. You love J, even if he did and is cheating on you with his past girl. You don't even know why you do, you just do. It may hurt but you do hope that things will work out and that you can work your way around this little bump on the road. You wonder if J is even looking for you or is he just busy to even care.

Noticing your sudden quietness and the fall of that smile on your face which they all usually see, (y/b/b/f/m/n) spoke up. "So does that mean that you're not staying for dinner?" You smiled warmly at her, shaking your head you replied, "No, I best get going. Thank you for everything." You smiled as you hugged her again. You both let go and you headed to your car.

To be continued...

A/N: I'm really really sorry for the late update. This is really short because I'm so sleepy and my eyes are drooping. I haven't really read this over so I'm really sorry for the typos and the wrong grammar. I love you all 😘😘😘

I'll include Joker's POV next update I promise.

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- Em =)x

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