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When you are attracted to the same gender as yourself. Which is, being either gay (a male attracted to other males) or a lesbian (a female attracted to other females). Transgender people can be homosexual too by the way!

Sometimes, when you come out to someone they automatically assume you like them.

You: Hey, uh, I'm gay.

Friend: Sorry, I don't like you that way.

You: That's okay, I don't like you that way either.

Friend: I thought you were gay?

You: I am, but I don't like you like that

Friend: ????

Look, just because you're gay/lesbian doesn't mean you like the person you're coming out to! When the friend you're coming out to isn't part of the LGBT community this seems to happen more often. It's annoying, but just try to explain that you don't like everyone who is the same gender as you, and you happen to not 'like' them.

You might get bullied.

There are many homophobic people in this world and for that reason, you may be bullied in school, verbally or physically. If you're not in school, or you're out of school, still be careful because there are people who want to hurt you. Some people think gay people are "disgusting" and well, they might try to hurt you. They don't understand you, and people are afraid of what they don't understand. It's not an excuse though. Make sure that if you live in a neighborhood that could be harmful, carry some kind of weapon or something.

Also, you might be verbally bullied. For example, people might call you disgusting, or a faggot. My best piece of advice about this isn't going to be the "tell a teacher" thing, because that sometimes makes everything worse. I'd suggest just remembering that they're all trash who will get nowhere in life. You're better than them and that's that.


Yes, people will definitely stereotype you for being homosexual!
If you are a girl, they might assume you to be creepy and stare at them when changing in locker rooms- which is totally untrue- everyone has a type! And you're probably not their type so... shut up!
If you're a guy, people will probably expect you to be great with fashion and paint your nails and be all "stereotypical gay". It's totally cool if you're like that! But people shouldn't make that stereotype about all gay guys. Not all gay guys are great with fashion, paint their nails, or are rainbow loving over the top fabulous gays! Well, then again, we all are fabulous. So I guess that's a true stereotype!

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