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Bisexuality! The amazing thing of being attracted to both your gender plus one more! (Usually male and female though.) More people to love, right? But bisexuality is overlooked, even in the LGBT community.

People tell you to "choose one".

Bisexuality. Bi! As in two! You like two genders. You can't just choose one- you like both! And that's great!

Another thing, is that say you're a bi girl and you have a girlfriend. People say, "oh, so you're a lesbian now." Or, you end up marrying a man, and people assume you're just straight then. No, just because you're with someone doesn't mean you are only attracted to the gender they are.

Just because at the time you with someone doesn't mean you can't ever like anyone else, and you can like another gender than the gender they are. Great thing, right?

Bisexuality is valid.

Even in the LGBT community, bisexuality can be overlooked or even, bullied. Bisexuality is real and valid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You can like two genders- that's a real thing. You shouldn't- and don't- have to "pick one". It's okay to like both.

Some straight/gay people don't like dating because bisexual people.

Some straight people won't date someone because they've been with someone of their same gender. This is ridiculous, in my opinion it shouldn't matter who they've been with. But to some people it does.

Also, some lesbians (mostly lesbians and not gay guys) won't date a bi girl because "she might go back to dick". Well, no. She's not going to go back to dick. She won't just cheat on you for a guy just because she doesn't like girls, well no, that's what bisexuality is, liking both. But bi people aren't more likely to cheat than any other people. They also don't have more threesomes!

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