Meeting My School Mates....

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Chapter 1

In reality, my alarm clock is jealous of the relationship I have with my bed, and so every school day it tries to break up. That day was one of those days. I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom to shower and mentally prepare myself for the day ahead.

I was starting a new school, St Agnes’ School for the Performing Arts. I registered for it because I’m really into singing. We didn’t have much chance back in my old school, so this was my first actual chance to sing in front of a large crowd. To be honest, I don’t know what’s so hard about starting a new school. I love meeting new people and noticing how all the schools I’ve been to differ when educating their pupils.

I dressed in an old baggy band T-shirt from a festival I went to in the summer, red skinny jeans and knee-high Converse boots. After outlining my eyes black and pulling on my black woollen blazer (You can like the colour black without being considered a Goth, by the way,), I grabbed my bag and headed into the kitchen. In the summer, I finally had finally gotten round to renting my own flat so I didn’t have to listen to my mums endless ranting. (I love her though XD). It’s been hard, but now I have this job doing waitressing in a pub on a Friday night and Sunday afternoons till half four, which isn’t too bad, and tips are pretty good.

I pulled the charger out of my phone and checked for any new messages. I had two. One was from my best friend Octavia, saying;

Hey Brookie, I was juzt chcking thru da skool emailz, turns out therz auditonz for skool production. Interested? Txt me wehn ye get ta skool,

Octopus xx

I gave her the nickname Octopus when we were younger, because I really like underwater animals. Nuff’ said.

The other text was from Mum, saying;

Good luck on your big day honey :) Do me proud and do something with your life.

Love Mum xxx

I love the cheesy texts I get from my mum. I know it sounds daft, but it’s really encouraging. I texted her back, saying I’ll ring her later, grabbed an apple from the fridge (I like cold fruit) and stepped out of my bright blue front door ( The person who owns the flats likes to paint all the doors different colours…..) and out onto the busy streets of London. I pulled on my beanie hat (It was embroidered into a beaver XD) and my forearm length gloves and went off on my merry way…………..

In Form room, casually sitting at a desk by myself, pretending in text people, when really I’m just a Lonely Larry…….

I’ve already been to the School Hatch and got my schedule. It sounds great. I reckon I’ll have fun;

Period 1=Vocals

Period 2= Art


Period 3=Drama


Period 4=Film Making

Period 5= History of the Arts

 I had texted Octavia back, telling her where I was, what time I had arrived, what I had for breakfast, how I planned on travelling to Neptune and back before school actually started. She texted back, saying that would be impossible, NOT taking the joke at all, but she didn’t say if she was here yet. Fine, let her be late, I didn’t care if she ends up sitting at the front with the Form Tutor’s voice echoing in her ears.

There were other students here already, but no one I really knew. I recognised a kid from my old school, but he didn’t cast a glance a second look in my direction, not even once, so yet again, I came to the conclusion that I looked like a Larry Loner.

I sighed and looked out of the window. Even though it was September, I couldn’t wait for the snow to arrive….

I heard someone enter the room, and hoped it might be Octopus, but when I looked around, I was just another guy…..Wait, what am I saying? He wasn’t just a guy – he was a drop-dead gorgeous guy. He had lightly tanned skin, which went rather well with his long dark hair. He looked like a confident dude, in his grey V-neck and skinny jeans, but when I saw his expression, he looked nervous as he took in the room before him with those chocolate brown orbs, just like Bourneville chocolate.

I finally snapped out of my trance, just in time to notice he was staring back at me. I looked away, embarrassed to have been caught, practically drooling over him. I blushed when I noticed him walking over to the desk next to mine.

I watched him as he sat down and he watched me. We had an intense staring match before we both looked away. Two minutes later, when I dared to look up again I caught him glancing at me with his big brown eyes. He grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth and a smile to die for. I smiled back, like a loon from a loony bin on loon tablets, noticing how he seemed to study my face before sticking out his hand and saying,

“Hey, I’m Minho.”

It took just those three words for me to fall in love with his baritone voice- it reminded me of gentle waves crashing against the side of a fishing boat out at sea. Octopus says I have a weird condition, causing me to describe things in a detailed manner. I had told her I was digging deeper into my imagination.

I realised that Minho was waiting for me to reply, his hand waiting in mid-air, and I thought I had better say something before he thought I was a complete dumbass.

“Hi, I’m Brooklyn.” I shook his hand. I hated my name when I was younger, because I was teased, but then I grew to love it when I realised that not many people were called Brooklyn.

Minho nodded, still smiling. “Are you new here?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m a first year. It’s weird being the oldest at one school, then being shoved to the bottom like a piece of unwanted chewing gum.” Please stop me before I give him my life’s story.

“Me too. Though I went to a private school back in Korea.” He replied, still smiling.

“So did you grow up in Korea then? I’ve always wanted to go there.” I asked.

 “Yes, I grew up in Korea, but I moved here two years ago with my my family. I’m renting an apartment in the Centre.”

The conversation went on like this for a few minutes. After our little chit chat, a boy with shoulder length hair that looked like a mushroom (I want to know what shampoo he uses….I’m not a stalker….but literally, his hair is just amazing,) and brown eyes entered the class. Minho spotted him and called him over. The boy smiled and made his way over, flicking his fringe out of his eyes. 

“Hey Taemin, this is Brooklyn. She’s a friend of mine.” Minho introduced me. I was shocked to be considered a friend over a short period of time, but I didn’t really mind.

“Hello Brooklyn. I’m Taemin, it is good to meet you.” Taemin said, smiling. I though he was Korean too. He nodded his head at me, and took the desk in front.

“Taemin, have you heard from the others lately?” Minho asked. I looked at the floor, not knowing who the others were. 

“Nah, it’s obvious they’re going to be late.” Taemin replied, and then turned back to me. “So, what do you like to do, Brooklyn?”

“Me?” I asked. I blow air into my cheeks, making myself look like a Blowfish. “I like to do all sorts. Eat, sleep, write, read, chat, breathe, act, piano, guitar, the triangle, dance, sing.” There were way more than that, I just didn’t want to bore them.

“You sing?” Minho asked. I nodded. “Could you give us a song?”


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