Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(A/N Just wanted to say, my friend GangstaTurtle helped me with the names for the band. We were chatting for ages, coming up with such random things XD So I'm just saying, not all of these names are rightfully mine. Also, GangstaTurtle is Ces Sykes, an Cherrybomb39 is Beth Gaskarth. Have a good day!)

"It has come to my attention that you girls in particular have an extrodinary talent."  Beth, Ces, Flora, Octopus and I were sat in a neat row, hanging on every word.

It was 9:03am, meaning that we were with Mrs Lavania so she could give us this news.

"I know you have only been here for a short while, hardly twenty-four hours, but we have done this sort of thing once before, and I expect that we will do it again, if you are quite willing to see whats in store for you." Mrs Lavania continued. We didn't have a clue what she was talking about-but we went along with it anyway.

"We do not want a snap descision, but the school happens to be in touch with some of the best record label companies. A local one, LGWEntertainment have been looking for a new project. I told them I would be happy to audition my first years as soon as possible, and here you sit. I have chosen you five because I think you have what it takes to successing become singers."

Oh my Flabbernoogin. Did I just think what I thought she said, or do I have selective hearing?

"That is why we would like you to unite and form a band." There you have it. The News. The five of us sat there, totally awstruck by her words. It was offical. Were were freaking awesome.

"But, to make sure that you receive a fit education, you shall resume class with everyone else. Next week you will be asked to come in for a vocal check. We don't know the time, but we will inform you when we find out more.

"Any questions?" she asked. I shook my head, as did the other girls. Well, all except Octopus.

"What are we going to be named?" she asked. Totally forgot about that.

"Well maybe you girls can think about that now, before you come back to class. Don't be too long; after all, you'll need all the practise you can get in the upcoming weeks." With that Mrs Lavania left the office. I looked around at the other girls. They wore the same expression as me. Shocked, but excited.


"Nugget Fury!" Octopus yelled, jumping up from her spot on the floor. It had been ten minutes since Mrs Lavania had left the room- and we still had nothing.

"Opera Turtle!" said Flora. I like turtles. That name has my vote.

"Paranormal Exsistence." said Beth.

"Too emo. Do we want to be emo or happy and joyful, like tards?" Octopus stopped in her tracks, obviously confused about our image.

"Octopus." Beth said, standing up and placing a hand on Octopus' shoulder. "We can be both. We can be every genre that a band can be. But we will still remains tards."

It took Octopus a few moments to register this information, and then nodded and jumped on the Magical Beanbag that Lives in the Corner. Actually, we found it in a cupboard. Anyway, she grabbed her bag and rifled through it noisily, making  everyone turn their attention to her. A minute or so later, she produced a box of pockey.

"Pockey is amazing. They should name a nation after it or something." she said, chucking us each a stick of the yummy goodness, which is pockey. We munched companionably from a few minutes before Ces jumped up and put a finger in the air, as if we were going to play Follow-The-Finger.

"Thats it! Octopus, you're a genuis!" She through her head back and laughed hysterically.

"I know I am. I'm simply the best!" Octopus jumped up again to, singing into the remains of her pockey stick. "Better than all the rest~" Nice to know we have two loonies that were clearly on loon tablets in the group.

"So Ces? What were you going to say?" I glared at Octopus, but in a friendly way. She smiled like the Pedobear himself, and waved a flirty wave.

"Pockey Nation! Because pockey should be national!" Ces circled her arms like windmills. This chick wasn't that shy, I learned. Flora raised her eyebrows and smiled. The smile, without knowing it, made its way across the room, plastering itself on our faces/

Because Ces had done something the rest of us hadn't done. She had come up with our band name.


"What was that all about?" Key whispered to me as I took the spare seat next to him. I shook my head.

"I'll tell you on the way to Art." Singing was basically..............singing. We were handed out sheets, well actually, the others were, Pockey Nation were too busy being awesome.....and so I shared a sheet with Taemin. He moved his chair closer to mine and flashed me a smile. He held the sheet out so I could see it too. We were singing 'We are Golden' by Mika. Loving the Vocals teacher at his point in time. XD

The lesson went by quickly. The bell rung and we all grabbed our bags.

"I'll see you tomorrow, class. Perhaps we may do some work on your audition songs for the production."

"Hey, Brooke, wait for me a sec," Beth winked at me. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and watched as the new class shuffled in whilst Beth was talking with Mrs Lavania. I noticed that the majority of the girls were wearing pink, and short skirts, with sweaters, and had Prada bags hanging off of their elbows. I suddenly became very self-consious in my oversized The Lost Souls t-shirt and white ripped skinny jeans. I had only scraped my hair back into a spiky ponytail. ( )

There was a group of girl giggling and pointing at something, in my direction. I followed their gaze to where they were laughing at Beth, who of course, was totally oblivious.

I dragged my feet over and stood behind Beth. She and Mrs Lavania were just agreeing to something. I took this oppurtunity to catch the girls gazes, who were smirking at me too. I did what anyone else would do. I gave them the finger. They stared at me, clearly shocked. Beth then took my arm and tugged me out. I heard Mrs Lavania say "Victoria, Charlotte, Ameilia stop gawping and pay attention."  Mrs Lavania is a bloody legend. Showed them.

"What were you asking Mrs Lavania for anyways?" I asked as we walked to Art, remembering that Beth had been the reason we had stayed behind.

"I asked if we could audtition in groups. I thought it would be good for Pockey Nation to knuckle and come up with our first dance routine and possibly do it for the audition."

This girl had everything figured out- it made me feel quite stupid.

"Good idea....there's just one problem. We have no songs written yet."

"Well, write one later and give it to me tomorrow. Meet me with the others in Practice Room 2 and we'll come up with something." Totally feeling stupid at this point in time. I agreed so I wouldn't look like a simpleton and hurried off to Art with Beth.

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