Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"What are you doing here?" Jonghyun asked me. I smirked.

"My irresponsible brother got into a motorcycle accident. Stupid tig, ramming into the back of a limo." I let out a laugh. The whole thing was pretty amusing when you think about it.

"What about you? What are you doing here? Haven't been doing drugs, have you?" I teased, punching in the numbers for a Sprite. (Yess!!!). But when I turned around, I noticed that tears had gathered in Jonghyuns eyes, some alredy slipping out.

"What is it?" I asked, immedietly feeling guitly. I was only teasing. Jonghyun, looking panicked, looked back at the room behind him. He turned back to me, looking like a lost puppy, tears now spilling down his cheeks.

"It's mum."he sobbed.

I hugged him for a second before leading him into a supply closet. Shutting the door, I fiddled in my pockets for a pack of tissues. Once found, I offered them to Jonghyun. He accepted them gratefully, stealing a glance at me. I smiled gently at him.

"Do you want me to ring someone?" I asked, waving my mobile slightly. "Someone from school? Onew? Key?" Jonghyun shook his head.

"I don't mind....I'm okay, really....." I gave him a look that read 'Shut the hell up twerp, I know what I'm doing.' It worked.

I looked through my contacts. Beth would be busy with 'the brats', but surely Ces would be free? I dialled her number, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Ces, it's Brooke."

"Oh hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked frantically.

"I'm fine, its Jonghyun..." he looked up when he heard his name, but then shortly realised that I was talking with Ces. I stretched out my hand, indicating to him that he should take it before I get a cramp in my arm. Jonghyun stared at if it was from Outer Space and then held it to his ear.

"Hello Ces." his face brightened up as soon as he started talking to Ces. It was nice to see him smiling, especially as he was going through a hard time, starting a new school with your mum in the hospital.

I causally stepped outside for minute, so he could chat with her privately. I heard laughter in there. I noticed I was still holding my long-forgotten Sprite. I cracked it open and leant against the wall, checking the time on my IPod. It was 17:46pm. I had a little bit of homwork; revise and memorise the script. We don't get homwork, I learned, just to learn songs and sometimes we would be paired up with someone and assigned a song, which we would have to sing in front of the class with our partner. Today, Onew and Flora were chosen. Can't wait to see how that goes down. I bet they'll be good. Plus, I had to finish writing the song. I started humming the tune; it wasn't much, but I thought it was catchy.

"Hey, what song is that? Sounds good." I whipped my head around and saw Jonghyun standing there with my phone. He gave it back to me, still waiting for me to answer his question.

"Er....nothing. Just nonsense. Beth wants me to write a song, so I came up with a shitty little tune." I said, looking at my feet. Kind of embarassing, is this buisness.

"Let's hear it then." I shook my head.

"It's not finished. It won't sound good."

"It'll be fine. Please?" Naw, if I had a pen, I would keep him as my pet goat and feed him lollipops and old tin cans. Goats are cool. I looked up and down the hallway, then sighed inwardly.

"I don't want to hurt you babe,   

 But I kinda want to bounce,                                                                                                                           

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