Descendant's Protection: Vongola Test Giotto and G's Guilt

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Final victim: Giotto

He had just finished his first stack of paperwork when he began to feel hungry. He stood up and stretched his aching muscles before letting out an exhausted sigh. Looking at his clock, he realized that he had about 20 minutes until breakfast started. Then his thoughts started traveling to his descendant. He wondered what he would do today, but he got the feeling that he wouldn't like it all too much.


He looked at the mahogany door and let whoever is at the door in. The door opened to reveal the head of his descendant, Tsunayoshi. He smiled and beckoned the brunette who also returned the smile and walked inside.

"Is there something I can do for you, Tsuna-san?" he questioned. The brunette shook his head and gracefully sat at one of the sofas that was in front of the blonde's desk.

"No. I just wanted to see how you were doing this morning. But it seems to me you're not faring to well. Do you need help with your paperwork?" he asked. Giotto raised his eyebrow before sighing in relief knowing that he wouldn't have to do all the paperwork.

"Sí. Grazié. God knows I don't like all this paperwork. But we don't have to do the rest right now. Breakfast is almost starting." he said as he got up. Tsuna sat watching him walk toward the door. Suddenly, an orange streak shot out from behind Tsuna and attacked Primo. The Founder noticed and quickly moved out of the way. An explosion shook the mansion because of the raw power the thing - Natsu - had shown. The maids, butlers, and Guardians jumped into action and raced to the area in which he explosion came from.

The dust cloud started to disperse to reveal a ruffled and lightly scarred blonde glaring at the sky lion that was in a pouncing stance while baring his teeth. Giotto's HDWM activated and he got ready to charge the feline.

Tsuna appeared through the the broken door and stared impassively at his 4x Great Grandfather.

"You failed." he spoke. Giotto flashed his eyes in the brunette's direction.

"What." he commanded as he watched the young boss walk over to the lion that purred when his hand softly scratched behind the ears.

"You were harmed in a surprise attack that could've killed you. Gomen, but you cannot go to breakfast today. That is your punishment for failing. All of your Guardians are also restricted from eating today. So you all have to wait until lunch, or, if you help me succeed with my next idea, I'll let you eat a bit before that time." he explained. Giotto extinguished his flames and grew confused at his descendants words until it finally clicked in his mind and he gave a start.

"You can't do that, Tsuna! Do you know how much that would affect us if we were suddenly attacked from one of the enemy's Family? We wouldn't be able to fight correctly because we'd have stomachaches." he tried to reason. The Guardians had appeared in the now useless wood from the door and the wall.

"I am very much well aware of that, Giotto-san. My friends and I will be the one's to deal with that problem should it ever come. Alright! Let's go get some breakfast!" he cheered and dragged Takeshi and Hayato pass the red-head and toward the dinning room. The other Tenth Gen. followed happily.

All was quiet for a few moments.

"... What just happened...?" the confused blonde murmured.

"I can't believe that that is the same person who just took my whole stash of sweets." the green-haired male said.

"He is a mysterious one indeed." the Japanese smiled.

"I can't wait to see the man's true strength TO THE LIMIT!" the raven shouted in excitement.

"... Hn." went the stoic reply.

"..." the red-head stayed silent which, slightly, raised curious eyebrows in his direction.

"Is there something wrong, G?" the blonde boss asked. The Storm looked up at him and gazed back to the floor.

"... It's nothing, Giotto. I've just got a lot of things on my mind right now... I'll see you later." he walked away.

The Guardians just stared after him in confusion sans Alaude just stared after the Storm blankly.

"G..." Giotto whispered in concern.

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