00 | Prologue

34 1 1

'And how old are you again, Mr. Siel?' Asked the brown haired man.
'34, Sir.' Dylan replied.
'No need to be so polite' said the man, 'And how long ago did these, hallucinations begin?'
These questions were getting tougher, Dylan thought. He was beginning to regret his decision of consulting a therapist.
As a matter of fact, he didn't even know he had booked a therapist. His phone just notified him that he had an appointment in half an hour. This didn't bother him as much as it should've.
'Um sorry, I forgot. I really can't remember. My memories have been blurry, I've been forgetting a lot recently' Dylan apologised.
Frankly, he thought, he shouldn't even be here, in this room, this building. It felt like he should be somewhere else but he just couldn't point to it.
'No recurring memories? No flashbacks or random moments coming back?' Questioned the therapist
Dylan frowened, he knew he should be knowing something but it just won't come to him
'No, sorry'
'Well unfortunately, that's the end of today Mr Siel. I'll see you again tomorrow. Hopefully those memories of yours return' the therapist smiled.
'Oh uhh, thanks. What was your name again? Sorry I'm feeling a little light headed today' Dylan said.
'My name is Dr Cade, Mr Siel. Now goodbye! I have some other appointments to see' rushed Dr Cade.
Dylan had heard that name before, somewhere. It was important, it had to do with extremely important. But that was all Dylan remembered. Before he knew it the door had already shut close behind him and the bitter winter chill quickly surrounded him. His parka had helped but for some reason both the hoodie and the gloves were missing, as if they've been ripped off or lost. Dylan shrugged it off, it wasn't his parka to begin with and it became the least of his worries.

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