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Ten years  later,  Sgt. Usah was hospitalized again as a result of the inhumane punishment he received as a prisoners of war then.

The effect of the brutal treatment was permanent.

After three week of being admitted in hospital, he was glad to be discharged  before Halloween even though his upper shoulder still hurt intermittently.

He was admiring the Halloween lanterns that adored most of the wards,  when a nurse came to his bed and announced:

"Mister Usah, there are two gentlemen here. They would like to see you! "

"Please show them in!! "

Usah repositioned himself so that he could face the gentlemen without hurting his back.

Two gentlemen walked to either side of his bed and shook hands with him,  "My name is Hiro and this is my friend Mister Yamaguchi. We are from Japan. "

"Take your seats gentlemen. I must apologized for not be able to sit properly. You know backache! "

Usah put on a big smile although he was fighting hard to ease the pain.

"We are sorry for what had happened to you. We hope you will get better soon. "

Their conversation continued as if they were old friends. They talked about the weather, technology, life and suffering, family and anything that came to their minds.

"Speaking of war, I understand that Major Sakai of the Japanese Imperial Army had given you an Old Kamikaze Headband for safe keeping," said Mister Yamaguchi.

"Kamikaze Headband? " Usah pondered a while before his eyes twinkled,

"Yes,  I remember now : the Kamikaze Headband - I still have it. It was given by Major Sakai as a sign of our friendship. Tell me, why do you want it? "

Mister Hiro and Mister Yamaguchi looked at each other smiling.

"We are the guardian of the Kamikaze Headband. We swore to the owner to search for the missing Kamikaze Headband and returned it to the owner family's shrine at the foot of Mount Fuji," explained Mister Hiro, "Of course,  if you don't mind after all Major Sakai had given it to you as a treasure! "

Usah thought for awhile before he smiled and said,

"The Kamikaze Headband is our treasure all right.  It is a memorial sign of friendship between us - the Japanese and the Dusun people. But if it belongs to someone and if,  with the return of the  Kamikaze Headband would bring peace to the owner's soul then surely you can have it back! "

Mister Hiro and Mister Yamaguchi bowed their heads together.

"We are indebted to your kindness forever!"

"The honour is mine and I thank you for your frankness," said Usah with  a smile. He was glad to be of great help. "I will call my wife and she would bring it here before six tonight. She is now at home."

Five minutes later, the two gentlemen took leave and promised to return at six o'clock in the evening.

But before they left, Mister Hiro turned back saying,

"We brought this medicine all the way from Japan. We would like to try it on you to ease your suffering,  if you don't mind? " said Mister Hiro, as he took out a small bottle containing clear liquid.

Usah smiled and nodded his head.

He did not mind after all a little medicine from Japan would not hurt, surely not as bad as at what he suffered.

He almost had given up with the western medicine.

Mister Hiro then poured it onto his palm and rubbed it onto his neck,  shoulder blade and also his backbone right down to his feet.

As soon as the liquid touched his skin, it disappeared underneath his skin, giving him a sort of warm soothing effect.

Mister Hiro replaced its cap, placed it inside his pocket before he took his leave and walked to rejoin Mister Yamaguchi who was standing beside the door waiting.

As they walked away, something weird came into his mind : Mister Hiro looked familiar but he was sure he had seen Mister Yamaguchi before.

Usah tried to rest and sleep but he could not.

There was something strange about the two men that border him.

He then called the nurse using buzzer, had his bed moved to the window. Since he could not sleep, he just sat there watching the clouds passed by.

The breeze was blowing from the west, it felt fresh and soothing.

Soon he fell asleep for hours, skipping his lunch.

THE OLD KAMIKAZE HEADBAND Where stories live. Discover now