Chapter 4

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The drive was quiet the whole way to the resturant. I would glance over at him every now and then to see what he was doing and it was the same thing staring at. This man honestly has been staring at me since we pulled off from the pack house. When I make eye contact with him he blinks in surprise noticing that I caught him staring. He looks away shyly and starts to blush. That's a first I think to myself.

The ride continues to be quiet as we Finally reach our destination. A restaurant comes into view that I've never seen the name of before. Before I can blink he's out of the limo and at my door holding it open and putting his hand out for me to take. I look at his hand and up at him and slowly take his hand. As I get out the car I see other people going in and I instantly get nervous but as I look up at him he looks down at me and all my uneasiness goes away with one look.

He smiles down at me reassuringly and leads us into the restaurant. As soon as we walk in every female rearranges herself when they see my mate. They give him flirty looks and push their boobs up trying to draw his attention, but all his attention is on me. As relization dawns on the women they start giving me dirty looks and start sizing me up, and suddenly I wished that I hadn't worn this dress. As we are shown to our table he pulls my chair out and pushes it in as soon as I sit down.

We sit in silence yet again until I decide to break it.


"Lia please call me Dionysus".

"As you wish alp--I mean Dionysus".

The waiter then comes and hands each of us a menu. I take the menu and start reading what's on there. I realize that I already know what I want. I order the chicken Alfredo with broccoli in it and for the drink Hennessy. He orders Spaghetti and meatballs with mozzarella cheese and garlic bread. The waiter writes everything down but turns to look at me as if finally seeing what I had on and his eyes fill with lust and want. My mate clears his throat and gives him a hard stare and he scurries off to get our food. I look down but when I look back up at him he's smiling.

His smile is so beautiful is takes my breath away for a second before I get it back. He says"You look very beautiful". I blush and murmur a thank you knowing he heard it. He then looks at me and says "it's not your fault he was looking it's because you have this aurora that pulls people towards you and he just couldn't help himself". I stare in shock at him my mouth opening and closing. But when the food arrives I close it.

As it the food gets closer I smell my wonderful chicken alfredo along with his spaghetti. The waiter sits the food down on the table and our drinks and leaves. We eat in silence hearing the occasional scrape of each other's forks. When we finish he calls for the check after he finishes paying he grabs my hand and leads me back to the limo. He opens my door for me once again and then gets in himself and the driver takes off driving.

After we pull up infront of the pack house I turn around go tell him thank you but when I turn around I bump into his hard chiseled chest. He looks down at me with a boyish smile and says your welcome. My heart stutters in my chest and I blink slowly and murmur a good night and that I will see him in the morning as I turn around to leave he grabs my hand and pulls me too him and he kisses me lightly on the lips. Little sparks or desire are going through my body at just a simple kiss and as I let myself relax he pulls away ands says "Goodnight Lia" with a husky tone to his voice and with that goes upstairs.

I'm still frozen in my spot as I still feel his lips upon mine and then slowly make my way right behind him to my room. I enter my room and immediatley kick my Louibutons off and strip. I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on and step in. The hot water greets my sore feet and tired body. As I finish washing my hair I step out and grab a towel wrapping it around my body. I head over to my closet and see that I need to go shopping like really bad. I throw on an oversized shirt on turn off the lights and crawl into bed letting sleep overcome me.


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