i miss him.

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2 months later

Its been 2 months...2 months i didn't saw him..except in the news..i still like him..but his still with barbara...and now...im 5 months pregnant with his's baby..

mom:sweety?eleanor is here...you should come down..

i sigh and i go down..im meeting eleanor today..she's really beautiful not like me..i mean..all the boy's girlfriend are pretty except...well...liam's present girlfriend..she don't have that flaws..but all i know is she's kind and sweet...

(A-n ummm..sophia smith...she's pretty but not that kind of beautiful like el,perrie,and danielle..im not comparing her ok?)

i was in a sweatshirt and jeggings..i saw eleanor..she was on her phone typing away..


elean:aww..hi lily!!! call me el...your so pretty..but you have a big tummy!

lily:ok..thanks you too..yeah..im 5 months pregnant..

elean:aw..i know your daughther or your son will be beautiful...anyway! is it a boy? a girl?

lily:we'll go tomorrow at the ultrasound center..

elean:oh ok..well tell me ok?

i nodded and we talked...i actually like el..she's funny,beautiful,kind,sweet,loyal and she's sassy like louis!


Mom woke me up..

mom:sweety wake up..i can't go..cause im going to work now..just tell me the gender..

i nodded..i go to shower and i dressed up in a loose shirt and a jeans..my hair was in a dutch braid i put on some light makeup and i left. there were some paps..but i i don't care..until they touch me or my baby....then it happened...

pap 1:is niall really the father?!

pap 2:whore!

pap 3:you should die bitch!

i saw a boy not a boy.. but a celebrity!omygod..its zac efron...he was holding the paps tshirt..

zac:she's pregnant!can't you leave her alone?

the paps nodded and they left..

zac:are you ok?

i nodded..

zac:you must be lily?brother of the famous harry styles..nice meeting you..

lily:you too...umm..thank you. and i really have togo..

zac:aw..ok..can you give me your number?i really like to have coffee with you sometimes..

i nodded and we exchange numbers..and we both left..

Ultrasound center..

nurse:wait a few minuted here ms.styles..

i nodded..

nurse:oh.could you pull up a little bit of your tshirt?we'll be puttinga gel..

i nodded..and dr.johnson comes in,

dr.johns:good morning..we'll be knowinh the gender of your baby..

i nodded and i smiled..he put the gel on my stomach and move around the machine on my stomach..and i saw my baby..fully grown..it has legs..head..arms and it has thumbs!i was starting to tear up...i wish niall was here...

dr.johns:ready to know the gender?

i nodded smiling..

dr.johns:its a...

he move around the cursor..

dr.johnso:its a....
Its a cliffhanger! sorry guys..its a surprise..i'll update later...toodells!!

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