Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I woke up early, to the bustling sounds of life at the Cirque, dressed hurriedly in a red checky dress, leather jacket and tights, then went to find Evra, who was just leaving the campgrounds.

I called after him and he turned to look at me, beckoning me over.

“Hey-i was just setting out to find food for the Little People, I didn't realise you were awake.”

Relieved to find that he did not seem to be annoyed in any way by my sudden outburst last night, I ran to catch up with him and followed him out of the grounds.

As we walked through the fields and woods, looking for creatures that we could catch and take back to the Little People, Evra told me about what his life had been like before he had joined the Cirque. I already knew the story, of course, but I did not want to appear rude so I commented in all the right places-and anyway, it was different when he was telling it. In return, I told him about my life before I was blooded, and how I came to be Crepsley's assistant, missing out the part where I was a victim of destiny for obvious reasons. When we had collected enough and returned to the Cirque, Evra showed me around and introduced me to all the many performers as we took part in the jobs that helped keep the Cirque running, such as feeding the Wolfman, repairing tents and cooking dinner. As I cooked a stew, watching the sun go down over the hills, my thoughts turned to my friends. Ree, Sadie and Gwen. As bad as it sounded, I had not really thought about them since waving goodbye to my twin, but I just wished I could have told them that I was leaving. I don't know whether they would have believed me, anyway. I mean, lets face it, the only proof I had were my vampire scars, and scars on your fingertips don't actually prove you are a vampire. At least in a weird sort of way they subconsciously would know how my life turned out. Well, Ree would. Gwen had read the first few books and then declared it 'lame',(i laughed as I imagined saying to her 'Hey-that's my life you're talking about') and Sadie had only seen the film. “Hang on a second.” I thought to myself, and backtracked my thoughts, an idea forming in my mind. Ree would know how my life turned out. Ree would know. She would know I was Darren's replacement and she would know what that meant. If I could only contact her in some way, she could be the key. I couldn't tell the others about how my life would turn out, but she already knew.


As I left the Drama classroom, I realised just why my twin had told me to stay away from Kerry. That past hour had been one of the most awkward of my life. I had sat in the corner of the dreary classroom, with the peeling walls and old photos of past productions decidedly better than the one we were attempting to produce, and watched as Kerry and her little friends planned some outing, making it obvious and clear that there was no way I was invited. There were only three others aside from me and Kerry in Drama, and all three of them were Kerry's cronies. I saw the teacher, Mr Rawley, look on awkwardly as they discussed what they were going to wear to this circus thing they were going to, occasionally he had attempted weakly to try and make them work but they were having none of it. They had sat and chattered like old people's teeth for the full hour while I watched the clock and picked my nail varnish off my nails. To be honest I did not know how my twin had put up with this-but then there really was nothing I could do aside from attempt to join in, which would have been even more awkward. I did not want to have anything to do with them anyway. When the bell rang I had packed up my things gladly and left to find Sadie and Gwen so we could go to History. As I spotted them walking I fell into step with them and sighed. “God I hate Drama.” I did not even think twice about the conversation which Kerry and her clan were having, which looking back, was a big mistake.

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