Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Kerry and her crew stood frozen to the spot as a smirk spread across Mr Crepsley's face.

“I said, what are you doing here?”

“We came to find Sophia.” Leah spoke up. She, out of all of them, was the most likely to answer back-even to a vampire.

“Is that so?” Crepsley began. “I trust, she knew you were coming then?” I opened my mouth to protest but he gave me a look which said 'play along.'

“Of...of course she did.”

“Liars. All of you. I happen to know that you entered this room without expressed permission from either myself or my assistant here. Let me tell you this, you should have taken her advice and left while you still had the chance. Nobody knows where you are, do they?” Nobody moved. “I bet you would have kept the fact you were going to a freak show quite a secret.” I could hear their hearts beating fast, scanning the room for any means of escape. “So what is to stop me from taking you all and feeding you to the wolf man right now? The cirque is leaving soon. You would just be another group of missing people to add to the list.” He paused, for effect. I could see he was clearly enjoying this. “But I shall not. You may depart, and think yourselves lucky that you are all still intact, no bones broken, all of you still in the realms of the living. Go on. LEAVE!”

Kerry and her gang ran out of the tent as fast as their legs could carry them, but not before Kerry and I had locked gazes for a final time. I knew what that gaze meant. It meant 'I will find out what's going on, mark my words.'  Quick as a flash, Kerry produced something from her coat pocket and brandished it in front of her, pressing the button on it. I knew what that was. It was her prized posession, her camera. I knew her plan. She had taken a picture of Mr Crepsley and me for evidence, in case nobody believed her about what had happened. But more fool her, i thought. Mr Crepsley doesn't show up on pictures, and i am no more than a blur. That 'evidence' doesn't prove anything at all.

We watched them leave until they had run out of sight, then returned to the tent, where Mr Crepsley motioned me to sit down.

“You did the right thing there.” he said. “You controlled yourself admirably, just as I would have done. Indeed, as I did do, once I arrived on the scene.”

“Thanks, pet.” I said to him. “Y'know, for helping get rid of them.”

“It was nothing. They were a group of human youths. They could not have harmed me if they had tried. And you shall address me as Mr Crepsley. Not pet. I am not your pet. '

'Yeah, nothing. Bye Mr Crepsley---pet!' I laughed as I left his tent. But once again, the feeling of foreboding had returned. I recalled the days when I was once a part of Kerry's gang, then the days when myself and my friends loathed them deeply, and then felt oddly sombre as I realised that now, the only way I thought of them was as 'a group of human youths.'

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, as I had been doing so often lately.


It was the morning of the day in which I had planned to speak to Kerry about the Cirque du Freak, but as it happened, she took matters into her own hands. I was sitting with Gwen, copying her maths homework, when she sidled over and tapped me on the shoulder. I could tell there was something wrong, but what was wrong exactly was anyone's guess.

“I need a word with you. Come with me to the locker room at break and we can talk there.” she muttered, then walked off without another word.

“oooh, ominous.” Ree said as she joined us at the table.

“Oh my god-i hate it when she does that. It's like, why can't she tell you what's up in front of everyone else?” Gwen glared at Kerry as she said this. “She's such an attention seeker.”

“You better tell us what she wants” Ree whispered. “It sounds really exciting.”

“Don't worry, I will.” I promised, when really I had no intention of doing any such thing. With any luck, she was going to tell me the location of the cirque, and I did not want Ree getting involved in this.

At breaktime, I walked off to the locker room, as agreed. Kerry arrived shortly after I did, and I was shocked to find her looking extremely angry.

“Explain yourself.” she simply said, and glared at me like I was some slug-like creature.

“You what?” I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Don't play games with me. You know what I'm on about. Last night. Ring any bells?”

“Please tell me what's going on?”

“You know, when you and your terrifying-i don't even know how to describe him-that horrible looking guy. Mr Crepsley. When you threatened me and my friends. I want answers. And fast.”

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