Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Kurda was standing in the tunnel outside my room, waiting as I put away the red clothes I had acquired and changed into some clean, bat-broth free clothes. I joined him, and saw he was clutching a rolled up map in one hand.

“Do you not know where everything is?” I asked him, curiously.

“Of course I do. I live here, you know.”

“Then why the maps?”

“Um...” Kurda looked embarrased. “I thought you were interested in mapping. You sounded keen earlier. So I brought some of my maps to show you. See,” he pointed to the map which he had unrolled while talking. “This is where we are. I drew this with a HB pencil, the best kind, I find.” He continued to talk about maps as we walked along the tunnels, it was actually quite interesting.

“Down there,” he pointed down a dark cave, where luminous lichen only dimly shone, “is un-mapped territory. You can have a go at drawing up a map if you like.” He passed me the paper and pencil, but I passed it back to him.

“I don't want to mess your map up pet, I can't even draw a straight line.”

“Oh, that's alright. We can just go on with the tour then.” He looked relieved for some reason, I noticed. I changed the subject.

“So, how did you start liking maps and stuff?”

“Well, as you know, most of the vampires here are illiterate. They just got by on their instincts alone. But I have always been...what's the word?...”

“Geekier?” I suggested.

“Not exactly how I would put it, but yes I suppose, geekier, than the others. I feel that we vampires should use our brains. Become more civilized, instead of all the mindless fighting. Especially with the vampaneze. So I started to make accurate maps of the tunnels. Originally, it was just to help the clan, but it became quite a hobby of mine.”

We walked on, and eventually came to a hall which I could see from the door had a large pit filled with stakes in it. I quickly did the death touch sign, and Kurda looked at me strangely.

“How did you know to do that?” he asked.

Think fast, Sophia.

“Er, I walked past here earlier with Mr Crepsley.”

At that moment, Mr Crepsley appeared from around the corner, accompanied by another vampire.

“Sophia? When Kurda has finished showing you this morbid place...i really must insist he takes you to the Halls of Sport to prepare for your trials.”

“That's if you know where they are, Kurda. I thought all that fighting stuff was beneath you.” the vampire he was with scoffed.

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