Chapter 43

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It's been about 5 days since I mated. I run to the bathroom and throw up everything in my stomach. Thorne holds my hair back. Another wave of nausea hits and I'm left dry heaving. "You need to go to a doctor. You can't keep hiding in my room having morning sickness." Thorne says as she rubs her belly. "Can you go to the store and buy me four pregnancy tests and not the expensive ones." She nods and leaves and I put my hair in a bun. She returns back soon. I go into her bathroom and pee on the sticks. The sticks say it'll take three to five minutes but it only takes thirty seconds. All positive. I put my hands on my flat stomach. I have a tiny baby in there. I walk out by Thorne. I take her hand and place it on my stomach and tell her "there is a tiny life in there." And we brake down.
"When are you gonna tell them."
"As soon as I look like I haven't been crying." She helps get rid of the redness by my eyes. I walk down. I knock. And walk in. They are all working on paper work. "Hey everybody." They all answer back with hi or heys.
"When do you wanna have kids?" I ask and they all stop what there doing and look at me. "What do you mean bug?" Luke asks.
"Burn just gave me the your not getting any younger and I want fucking pups to pass on my awesomeness to speech. So I was wondering what you wanted." I tell them Burn curses at me.
"Well I think we should wait just a little bit longer. To finish being a teen before we have kids." Calum tells me and the others nod there head in agreement. I feel like I've been stabbed right in the heart. "Okay I was just wondering and Niall called asking if we could hang out so I'm heading over there. Bye." I give all of them a kiss and leave. I walk to Thorne's room and as soon as I walk in she hugs me. "What happened because there wasn't a announcement on the next leader of the pack." Thorne says.
"They said they don't want to have kids yet. What am I gonna do?" I ask as tears fall.
"I don't know honey. I'll talk some sense into them." She says cracking her knuckles. I shake my head no.
"I'm going to have a hang out day with Niall. So I'll think of what to do. Because I can't abort and as soon as I do have them I won't be able to give them away. I'm gonna leave now. Don't say anything." I say as I hug her and run down to my jeep and drive to the 1D pack house. I don't bother knocking and go to find Niall. He's in his office alone. I push the door open and he gets up and hugs me. "What's wrong love?" "I'm I'm pregnant and they don't want it." I say and break down crying. He hugs me tight. "Why don't they want the baby?" He asks.
"I asked them when they wanted children and they said they want to be a person for a little while longer before becoming a parent." He hugs me tight and we spend the rest of the night watching tv.
"Bye Niall." I hug him.
"You and your baby are always welcome here." He tells me then I start the drive back. I mind link Thorne to tell every one that we are having a party tonight. I go up stairs and get ready for the party. I shower and shave. I'm now standing in my closet looking for a dress to wear. I pick a white dress. And put on black leggings. And put on some black flats and braid my hair and do light make up.

I walk down to the party with Thorne

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I walk down to the party with Thorne. I get up on the stage. "So you might be wondering why I called a party and have an announcement. Well I have news that will change this pack forever." I place my hand on my stomach. "I'm pregnant." The whole pack had their jaws dropped to the floor. Then they clap. In our office now. One of my mates say through mind link. "Have fun at the party Ive got places to be." I get off the stage and walk up to the office. I knock and open the door. "Why didn't you tell us your pregnant?!" A slightly pissed off Calum asks. "Because you all said that you don't want kid yet! And I'm sorry but I wasn't gonna have you reject my unborn baby!" Now I'm a pregnant angry woman great. "We wouldn't have rejected the baby!" Sure.
"Go to hell! Don't talk to me." I yell and walk out. I go to my old room and lock the door. I go into the bathroom plug in the speakers and plug my phone into the speakers. I strip and go into the shower. I take a fricken forty minute long shower. I walk out in a towel and change into pjs and climb into bed and fall asleep.

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