Chapter 46

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Finally out of the house. I walk through the woods. It won't last long one of my mates will drag me back into the house kicking and screaming. I'm only 3 weeks pregnant but if I were human it would be three months pregnant. I stop when I hear a twig snap. A pregnant rouge and a little boy run out. The pregnant rouge is badly hurt. "Mam what happened?" I ask quickly. "Please don't hurt us we didn't know we were on pack land." She says and starts crying. "Love your hurt please let my pack doctor look at you. We won't hurt you." She nods and walk with me toward the pack doctors house. The little boy is slowing down so I pick him up. "Miss you don't have to do that." She tells me. "Don't worry about it." I smile at her. I knock on Rachel's door. She opens. "Rachel help and if the Alphas say anything different so help me to god they won't have children." I say walking in. Rachel has the pregnant rouge change into a hospital gown. As she checks her out she runs to get something. "Mam I'm gonna go get your son bathed and changed. No harm shall come to him. I'm the Luna of this pack and I will see to it." She nods and lays her head back down. "So what's your name?" I ask him.
"I'm Sam. I fowr and mommy says my daddy is a bad man. That he wants to kill the baby in her tummy." Wow that man has the mate and father of the year award. "I'm sorry about that. Can I tell you a secret?" He nods.
"I wasn't supposed to be out in the woods. So by me breaking my mates rules I might've saved your mommy from your daddy." He smiles and hugs my legs. I pick him up. "Lets get you a bath and some new clothes." He nods and I take him up to my room. I start the bath and put bubble bath in and he undresses and gets in. "Can ou sing? My mommy sings for me." I nod and sing summer love. "You got nice voice." "Thanks." I get him a new pair of clothes. I walk him down to the kitchen and get him a pbj sandwich. I turn as I hear a growl. Calum's growling at Sam. I growl back. "Why is there a rouge in my kitchen?"
"I found him and his mother in the woods she is pregnant and is in with Rachel." He walks off growling. I see Sam yawning. "Are you tired?" He nods and I take him to my room. I put him in bed and lay next to him. "I'm gonna tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a fair maiden and she wasn't treated right by the pack she lived with. She left when her mates said they didn't love or need her, she ran until she found a pack that would treat her right. Her mates came to get her. She gave them one chance. And they got married and had four beautiful children. The end" I say and kiss his sleeping forehead.

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