How you meet (Malum)

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Michael - 

You and Michael meet at a concert. You and your best friend got standing tickets to see your favourite band and are standing in a sea of people you don’t know, everywhere you look seems to be different people who weren’t there before; the only person you recognise is the guy with the crazy dyed hair jumping and screaming along to the songs as enthusiastically as you and your friend. 

“Hey have you seen that guy’s hair?!” Your best friend screams to you over the music.

“Yeah, I love it!” You scream back. That would have been the end of it had your best friend not loved to play cupid. She pushes you through the crowd of fans closer to the guy until she gets you close enough to give you one last push which sends you barrelling into him. Michael catches you and apologises immediately thinking that he had bumped into you.

“It’s okay, my friend pushed me!” You yell to him.

“Why would she do that?” You panic, not wanting to tell him that she did it purposefully to get you to speak to him.

“She was trying to make me trip!” You lie, immediately regretting making your friend sound like a bad person.

“Trying to ruin your good looks?!” You feel your face heat up and silently pray that he can’t see it.

“Must be! I'm Y/N!” You introduce yourself to him holding your hand out.

“Michael!” He yells back taking your hand.

Calum –

You and Calum initially met at school. He was in the year above you but everyone knew Calum Hood. He was loved by everybody and he loved everybody, his laugh could be heard from across the cafeteria every lunch time and he always walked around school softly singing or whistling a tune to himself. The only time you actually spoke to him though was a quick thankyou whenever he held the door for you.

After he graduated you noticed that you actually missed hearing his laugh every lunch and realised that no one holds the door anymore.

You meet Calum again the summer you graduate, your friends were all busy or on holiday so you decided to walk to starbucks by yourself. You were lost in the music flowing through your earphones when you approach the door, when you look up to open the door you see a large hand has already grasped the handle. You take out your earphones and follow the arm to it’s owner: Calum Hood. You hadn’t seen him in a year but nothing about him had changed except his hair style. He pulled open the door and gestured for you to go in.

“Thanks Calum.” You mutter before dashing inside and joining the cue.

“You remember me?” He asks bewildered as he joined the cue.

“Yeah, sorry this must be weird as you don’t know me. I’m-“

“Y/N. I remember.”

You laugh nervously and pretend to choose what drink you want.

“It’s been a year since I held the door for you.” 

“It’s been a year since anyone held the door for me.” You mutter.

“Well that needs to change then, doesn’t it?” He asked, smiling a smile you had and would always find contagious. You start to chat like old friends even though this was your first proper conversation and find yourself sitting at a table in starbucks for hours. That day would forever be remembered as your spontaneous first date, making it a tradition to go to starbucks every month for your anniversary. 

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