Chapter 2

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The soap lathered up nicely as the warm water ran over her body. The lust, sweat and grime just washed down the drain. A shower was what she needed. When she stepped out, the cold air created goosebumps on her soft skin. She wiped her hand across the mirror to remove moisture. A smile came to her lips as she saw her reflection. I guess I'm still human. Her short bob hair with bangs framed her blue eyes beautifully. Her porcelain-like skin was free of make-up. She only wore enough to enhance the loveliness of her eyes. She was an attractive woman. The men weren't banging her for her personality.

The towel was covered with the make-up and perfume of the last woman that slept here. I guess fresh towels is a luxury. She dried her body and hair. As she walked across the hardwood floors to her bed, little specks of dirt and dust stuck to the bottom of her damp feet. A broom will be nice. She rummaged through her duffle bag looking for the right outfit. She slid on a thong. She put on a push-up bra to create a more appealing bust. Followed by a nice black skirt that came to her mid-thighs. It was a little wrinkle, but it would do. Besides, it was tight and the wrinkles would be knocked out by the curves of her hips and ass. The wrinkles in her white blouse was another problem. She needed an iron to knock them out. She opened the closet door. There were two empty hangers, an iron and an ironing board. I guess no one stays too long in this room. She worked out the wrinkles of her blouse. It was low-cut and it showed off her cleavage. It was perfect. She wiped specks of dirt and dust off the bottom of her feet and put on a pair of high heel pumps. They do wonders for her legs and ass. Now, her outfit was complete. She applied some light make-up to her eyes and lips. If she was playing a role of a professional, she had to be more convincing. Not many investigators rode the bus to their appointments. She needed a car. She took out her cell and made a call.

"What is it, Ciara?" a female's voice answered. It was clear by her tone that she wasn't happy.

"I need to borrow your car."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You don't have a license."

"I have an appointment." Her heels echoed as she ran the stairs.

"Well, I know it's not a job interview?" She could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Are you going to loan me the car or not?" She made to the door and rested her hand on the knob.

"The keys will be in the glovebox."

"Thank you, Sarah." She paused before she made the next request. "Are you free for lunch?"


"Because I'm hungry," Ciara replied in a very soft and seductive tone. "It has been a long time since we were together."

"You're a bitch." The next sound Ciara heard was the phone clicking off.

She opened the door. The bright light of the Sun put her on notice. It served as God's flashlight. It reminded her of all stuff she did last night. She didn't have a hangover, but her eyes were sensitive. She put on a pair of dark sunglasses to shield them. She noticed the black Harley sportster parked behind the bar. She caressed the handle bars and the soft leather seat. She would mind that vibrating between her legs. But she didn't need it. The police station was only about five blocks.

The daytime was safe for her to walk in the city. Her teacher told her there was a species of vampires that were day walkers, like the Oeillet clan, but they didn't operate in the States. Ciara was always aware of her surroundings. If there was a master in the city, he or she could have human agents spying on her. That could lead to problems. Killing a drone was one thing, if killed correctly, their bodies would dissolve after several hours, but humans took a lot longer.

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