Part 1

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Your best friend Jack Churchill along with Gwen's friends and fellow band members Mary Jane, Glory Grant, and Betty Brant (all actual characters from the comics besides Jack, who is my OC) walked into Gwen's house and were surprised to see you and Gwen were cuddling on the couch in the living room. "Jesus Christ that's so cute!" MJ practically screamed. "I've got to take a picture of this." She, as well as the other two girls, then pulled out their phones and snapped a few pictures. You woke up to the sound of phone cameras going off and turned your head to see Jack and the girls taking pictures. Confused by this, you looked down to see Gwen curled up up on your chest, her head only a few inches below yours, a blanket was over the both of you but you could still feel that your's and Gwen's legs are intertwined.

You smile down at the girl that had just recently became your girlfriend and placed a small soft kiss on her forehead, this however was enough for Gwen to smile and bury her head in the crook of your neck, you lightly brushed her blonde hair away and out of your mouth and all was peaceful until you heard a thud, you then turn around to see that Jack has collapsed. "Looks like he passed out from cuteness overload" said Glory. That's a thing?" Said Betty. "Its is now!" Glory replied. Gwen then yawned and opened her eyes to see everyone in her living room. A blush crept to her face as she realized they all saw you and her cuddling together. "Oh! uh... hey guys, what's going on?" She said, wondering why they were all at her house.

"We came over to ask if you two would like to come with us to the movies." MJ said as Jack walked back into the room after getting an ice pack on his head. "What were you guys doing sleeping on the couch anyway?" Jack said. "Well, I came over last night so me and Gwen could study together." You said. "And we stayed up super late, up until we realized it was 3 in the morning." Gwen said. "We were both so tired that we just went to sleep right here on the couch." You said. In actuality you and Gwen were up so late because Gwen AKA Spider Woman, was dealing with a gang war that had erupted between two of New York's biggest gangs.

She was out dealing with the gangsters to prevent them from killing each other or innocent bystanders that could potentially be caught in the cross fire. While she was swinging around NY you were in her living room on a police scanner periodically updating Gwen on were she needed to by via cellphone. But she also had to avoid the police, given that she was still (wrongly) accused of Peter Parkers death.By the time she got home you were both far too exhausted to go anywhere so you both just went to sleep together on the couch. Which led to this cute science the following morning.

Gwen then got up and stretched, with you doing the same. "Alright well give me and (y/n) some time to change and get ready then we'll go." She said. You were still wearing your normal blue jeans from yesterday and a white undershirt. After combing your hair you grabbed your brown bomber jacket to put on. Gwen, after taking serval minutes in the bathroom to put on makeup and do her hair, put on a gray 'Mary Janes' (her band) shirt under her white zip-up hoodie and a pair of blue skinny jeans. "Alright, let's go." You said.

~time skip~

You, Gwen and the gang were all sitting in the top row at the movie theaters. The movie you collectively (excluding you and Gwen) decided on was a ridiculously gory horror film. You and Gwen initially rejected the idea of seeing such movie, but after seeing how much your friends wanted to see it, mainly Jack and Glory, you both relented.

You winced as a guy got his arm brutally chopped off. "Why did you guys have to see THIS one?" You whispered to Jack. "Shhh! A good part is coming up." He whispered back. Only a few seconds later a woman was violently decapitated. Gwen let out a small gasp. "Aww guys look." Glory said, pointing toward you and Gwen. "MJ, Betty, and Jack all looked over towards you to see the cute scene of Gwen hiding her face in your shoulder so she wouldn't have to watch the gory violence as you had a disgusted look on your face from the bloody mess on the movie screen. MJ quickly snapped a picture, then a guy in the seat in front of her turned around and semi-quietly said "hey, trying to watch a movie here!" "Sorry!" MJ replied in the same tone.

Once the movie ended, the group headed to the nearest bus stop. They rode the bus to get to a nice little resturant downtown. They chose a booth next to the window, with You, Gwen, and Betty on one side, and Jack, Glory, and MJ on the other. "So MJ, what did you think about the movie?" Jack asked. "Its was ok. I mean, it was a much more bloodier then I expected." She said." Its was horrendous." You followed up with."The more bloody the better, I say." Glory said." I can't wait until you and Jack end up on a tv show about psychotic serial killers." Gwen said. "You'll be the first victim." Jack replied in a jokingly menacing tone. You all shared a laugh together, then the waitress brought the food. 

Later, after eating, the group got back on the bus. Saying goodbye to each of your friends as they got off, you and Gwen were the last of the group to get off, getting off at the same stop because you both lived on the same block. You and Gwen were walking to her house together, with Gwen having both her arms rapped around you right arm, and her head leaning on your shoulder. After a few minutes of walking together in comfortable silence, the both of you just enjoying each other's company, you finally made it to her house.

You realized it must be around 10 o clock at night, then you noticed Gwen's fathers's cruiser wasn't parked out front. "Your dad working late again?" You asked Gwen as you two were walked up to her door. "Yeah, he's been working late for the past couple of weeks now. He probably won't be home until tomorrow." She said with a downcast expression.

"Anyways," she quickly followed up with, the somber look now gone from her face. "Today was really enjoyable. It's nice to have a break from all the crime fighting and just hangout." "Yeah. I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone today as well." You replied

"Well, we made it. I guess I better start walk-." You began to say before being cutoff by Gwen. "Wait! (y/n), I was going to ask you if... you... would like to spend the night? With me?" Gwen said, her whole face a light shade of pink. God, You love it when she blushes. It just makes her look so damn cute! "Well uhh, sure I guess. If you really want to." You replied, also beginning to blush. "Yes! I mean, yes, I would like you to." She said. You both then walked inside Gwen's house. Gwen grabbed your hand and let you upstairs to her room.

You went into her bathroom to change into a comfortable pair of shorts you got out of your backpack, which was still there from when you came over last night, while still wearing your white undershirt. You came out of the bathroom and saw Gwen in her white pajama pants and a red T-shirt of your that she 'borrowed' a week prior. It was a bit big for her, but she liked it that way. You both wordlessly crawled into bed, snuggled up to each other, and quickly fell asleep.

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