Part 2

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You woke up then next morning from the sound of your phone going off on the nightstand next to Gwen's bed, where you left it the night before. You began to move your arm to get the phone until you realized it was being weighed down by something. You looked over to see Gwen using your arm as a pillow. She was still asleep, but she had the cutest of smiles on her face. You started to gently run your fingers through her beautiful blonde hair, a small smile on your face as well. "What did I do to deserve an angel like you?" You whispered to yourself.

Then your phone went off again, making you remember why you woke up in the first place. Grabbing the phone with your free hand, your notification said you had two text messages from Jack. The first one, which is why you were awake in the first place, said "Dude, check the news." The second one said "(Y/N)! YOU REALLY NEED TO SEE WHATS HAPPENING!"

Confused, you quickly changed clothes and ran downstairs to Gwen's living room, turned on the TV, and turned to the news channel. "This just in, The Vulture has just attacked the NYPD headquarters. At least a dozen officers have been injured, with no deaths reported yet. We will keep you updated as the situation progresses." You then turned off the TV. "Oh god." You said aloud. Gwen's father must still be there. You then heard footsteps behind you and saw Gwen, already in her Spider Woman costume, minus the mask. "Gwen? When did you get up?" You asked. "Right after you got out of bed." She said. "I could hear the news from upstairs. I have to go save those my dad and those cops, (y/n)." "I know Gwen." You said, before pulling her into a hug. "Just... be safe ok?" You said quietly. She gave you a peck on the lips then said "I will, (y/n)." Then she reluctantly left your embrace. You watched as she ran out the back door, flashing you one of her stunning smiles before putting on her mask and swinging off towards the NYPD headquarters.

After about 5 minutes of swinging through New York, she came upon the police HQ. Vulture was flying around, shooting metal feathers at a group of cops behind a couple of cruisers. But before Vulture could do anymore more damage, Gwen AKA spider woman, swung in a kicked him straight in the face, sending him flying to the roof of a nearby building. Gwen about ten feet in front of him. "Hey bird man. Missed me?" She said. "Ah, if it isn't the worlds most annoying little insect." Vulture retorted. "Spiders are arachnids not insects genius." Gwen said. "Irrelevant!" Vulture screeched. "I'll end you once and for all!" He said before charging towards Gwen. "If I had quarter for every time I heard that," she said while swiftly dodging him. " I'd be living in a penthouse by now." She finished before uppercutting Vulture with enough force to send him careening a solid ten feet up into the air. Then she shot a string of web directly on his chest, quickly yanking him downwards and delivering a round house kick square on his chest, effectively sending him right off the edge of the building. "Whoops." She said before jumping off as well to pursue him and make sure he didn't fall to his death.

But as she began to swing off she saw Vulture flying away, trying to escape. "Hey! Wait up!" she said before chasing after him. She quickly caught up to him. She used another string of web to take him right out of the sky, making him nail a trash can down an alleyway. "Twenty points!" She mused to herself before singing down and landing in front of him. " Would it be easier if I tied both my arms behind my back?" She said to Vulture. "Nah, it would still be too easy to beat you." Why you miserable little insect." He said. "Arachnid." Gwen smartly corrected. "You have no idea of what events are soon to unfold. You and the rest of this pathetic city will have your day of reckoning."

"I'm petrified ." She said sarcastically. Just then, the police pulled up behind her at the beginning of the alleyway. "Freeze!" Police captain George Stacy, Gwen's father, yelled.(Her father doesn't know she is spider woman yet) "Hey, you should be focusing on Vul-" she was saying as she turned around and saw that Vulture had disappeared. "Disappearing act huh?" She said to herself before swinging away."Dammit! Spider woman got away again!" Said Captain Stacy.

Elsewhere in the city, you were walking though downtown to get to the subway, which you use to get to your job at the Daily Bugle. As you rounded a block you heard a strange noise down an alleyway. You then realized it was someone weakly calling for help. "H-Help! Someone help me!" The force shakily resounded down the alleyway, from around a corner. Wasting no time, you bolted down the alleyway and around the corner, only to be met with two thuggish looking men, one whom was currently holding a gun.

"Works every time." The thug with the gun said with a grin on his face. "Hand over all your valuables and you get your face blown off." His companion said. "Alight just don't- what the hell is that!" You said, as they both looked behind. Before they could realize it was a distraction you talked the guy with the gun, taking the weapon and hitting him with the handle, knocking him out. Then the second thug attacked, knocking you off your feet and onto yo the ground, as well as sending the gun sliding away. Just after the man landed a few punches, a web came seemingly out of nowhere and and stuck his hand to the wall, followed by three more binding his other arm, head, and legs to the wall as well.

After getting up, you looked over to where the webs came from and saw Gwen, still in her spider woman costume but without the mask, hanging upside down via string of web from a fire escape. "Thanks for the save." You said as you walked towards her. "Your welcome, handsome." Gwen replied. You moved towards her a bit more, making your faces only a few inches apart. Without even thinking, you placed a passionate kiss on Gwen's smooth lips. Your lips stayed locked in a heated make out session until you both had to break away for air. "Well, I need to get going. My boss will have my head if I'm late for again." You said after a brief pause. Gwen, still upside down replied "And I need to get to to MJ's house for our band practice or she'll have my head."  She gave you one less peck on the cheek than swung away. You called the police, letting them know about the two men who tried to mug you and where to find them.

After a day at the Bugle, you headed over to MJ's house along with jack to hangout with the girls why the practiced, which is something you both usually did when practiced for their band. After the band was done practicing, you all went into MJ's living room to relax and watch TV. You and Gwen sat together in a recliner while every one else sat on the couch. "This is the life." You thought. "Spending every day with your friends and girlfriend, it doesn't get much better than this."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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