Chapter 4

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Okay, here's Chapter 4.  I'm sorry it took so long.  I hope you like it.  Please let me know what your predictions are for these characters.   The next chapter will bring about some changes for the characters.  I hope you keep reading to find out.



The day went by quickly. We were able to adopt out all but 3 animals. One was a rabbit that the shelter owner was going to take home and put with her rabbits.

The second was a cat that Adam agreed to take home for his little sister. He was such a sweetie. Sometimes I wish that he and I could have a romantic interest in one another, but we'd realized that would never happen. We had kissed once, and almost puked on each other. It was kind of hilarious.

The third pet was Mitzy. No one was willing to invest the time or energy into owning the poor girl. I felt terrible. "I'm sorry, Girl," I said, looking into her big, brown eyes. "I tried my best, we all did. I don't know why no one wants you." I sat down beside her cage, my hands going through the bars to pet her.

"We have to put her back into the truck," someone said. I was too focused on Mitzy to realize who had said it.

"C'mon, Em," I heard Adam say. "It's time to go." I couldn't go. I was crying now, tears running down my face as I kept petting her. How could we send her away, knowing that she'd be euthanized before morning?

I didn't even recognize my own voice when I said, "I'm taking her. She can't die. Not like this."

"Are you sure?" Adam asked. "I know your parents. They are going to kill you."

I knew he was right, but I was plumb out of options. "Maybe they'll fall in love with her," I said, not believing a word that came out of my mouth. My parents were against owning all types of animals. I'm not sure why they felt that way, but I hated it. I loved every animal they hated. When I had a place of my own, I would be just like Debbie. How could I not? I'd probably be an old maid, anyway, at the rate I was going. I'd need my animals to keep me company.

"Wishful thinking," I heard Adam mumble under his breath.

I didn't know what would happen in the near future, but for now, I was happy to be saving the old girl's life. She looked up at me with love in her eyes, her tail wagging, as they let her out of the cage and handed her lease to me.

"We're going to be the best of friends, Mitzy Girl," I exclaimed.

Adam rolled his eyes. "If your parents don't kill both of you the minute you walk through the door," he chided.

"Maybe it'll work out better than expected," I said.

"I'm glad you're hopeful," he replied.


We walked through the kitchen door twenty minutes later to find both of my parents seated at the table. Adam was holding a cat carrier, and I had Mitzy on her leash.

"What are those animals doing in our house?" my mom yelled.

Adam looked at me, his expression saying, "I told you so."

"I adopted this cat as a birthday present for my sister," he explained. "I already got the go ahead from my mom."

My mom shook her head back and forth. "She's a better woman than me," she stated. "For instance, this daughter of mine better have a very good explanation for why this mangy mutt is standing in my kitchen." She looked at me, her eyes challenging what I was about to say before I said it.

"They were going to put her down," I said. "I saved her life."

"Oh, you're such a bleeding heart, Emmers. The shot doesn't hurt. It wouldn't even know it was dying. Judging from the looks of it, the poor thing would be better off in the ground. Now take her away before your brothers see her."

I opened my mouth to protest, but my dad said, "Do as your mother says, Emily."

I was heartbroken. What was I going to do? I could probably talk Adam into keeping her tonight, but then what? I sat on the porch swing, sobbing, with Mitzy lying beside me. I petted her while I cried.

Adam had followed me out. "Well, I can't say that was a shocker," he exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it still sucks," I sniffled. "Will you take her tonight? I'll take her back die," I sobbed.

"Sure, " he said, "just let me take the cat over and get him settled. Then I'll be back for old Mitzy."

"Thanks," I said as he walked away. "I owe ya."

"Whatever," I heard him mumble after a minute.

I was still sitting there on the swing, petting Mitzy, tears still running down my face, when I heard my sister and Drew approaching. I tried furiously to wipe any evidence of my tears away, and kept my gaze focused on Mitzy.

"Hey, guys," I said, not looking at them.

"Hey, Em," Ellie said, opening the door and entering the house.

"Hi, Em, " Drew said as he walked past following Ellie.

I lifted my head up, wiping away a few more tears, when the door opened and Drew popped his head out. He looked at me, and said, "Hey, Em, are you okay? You don't look so good."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, not wanting to involve Elle or her boyfriend in my drama.

"If you say so, he replied. Then he said, "Cute dog, who's is she?"

I lost it. My tears let loose again, and I held back the sobs that wanted to escape. "No one's," I cried, "and she's getting killed tomorrow." Mitzy looked at me, placing her paw on my leg in an attempt to comfort me. That made me cry even harder.

Drew just stood, staring at me. I'm pretty sure he'd never seen me like this. "Can I help?" he asked, as I heard Ellie yelling at him to get inside and shut the door.

I was about to suggest that he adopt her, but Adam was back, and interrupted. "Just go inside with your girlfriend. I'll handle Em and her troubles.

Drew hesitated, looking from me to Adam, then back to me. I heard Ellie call him again. "Ok, then, the little lady calls," he said as he went back inside and shut the door.

"He might have taken her," I said angrily.

"And Ellie might agree to date me," he said, to prove a point. Neither of those events were like to take place.


"Good game!" the cheerleaders shout to us as we're boarding our bus. I walk onto the bus, feeling satisfied. We did it! We beat the Greenbriar Ravens, 7-0. I am so excited. We will be in the playoffs if we win next week's homecoming game.

We get on the bus, and head back to school. My phone buzzes with a text from Elle.

Celebrate 2nite? It says.

I text back, Sure.

I'm not sure what she means by celebrating, but it worries me a little bit. She has been bugging me for the past year to sleep with her. I'm dragging my feet for so many reasons, and I feel like a total douche about it.

First of all, I don't want Elle to get pregnant. This is a minor drawback, since condoms would most likely keep that scare at bay.

Second of all, I'm afraid of how it might change our relationship. I'm so comfortable with her right now, it's relaxing to spend time with her. What if sex changed all that?

Thirdly, I feel like something's missing. I think there's another piece to this puzzle that I need to find before going through with it. I know this makes me sound like a girl, but it just bothers me that I feel this way.

I wish I could be like all of my other friends, and just hit that and get it over with. It's just that girls aren't just sex objects to me. I'm scared of hurting them, especially Ellie.

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