Chapter 19

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Hey.  Here's the newest chapter.  Ellie's part is kind of short, but I figure if there has to be a short part, that it might as well be her POV.  I tried to make it longer this time.  Let me know what you think.  Hope you like it.

Pic on right is Freya Mavor as Ellie.  



I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. At first, I'd wondered why. Then, it all came rushing back to me. How I'd tried to kiss Em, and how she had run, and how she didn't believe that I loved her. How could she not believe me? The intensity of my feelings scared me.

I pushed my blankets aside and swung my legs over the side of the bed. As I stood up and stretched, Emily walked past my doorway. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face when I saw her. She was just so adorable. Why wouldn't she accept my feelings toward her?

As I was undressing to step into the shower, my phone began ringing. Oh, great, I thought, as Ellie's name and a picture of her in her cheerleading uniform flashed across my phone's screen. Why had I thought it was cute when she'd taken my phone and programmed that cheesy pic to appear when she called? Now, it made me cringe. I answered the phone.

"Hello, Ellie," I greeted her.

"Hey, Drew," she responded, uncharacteristically quiet for Ellie.

"What's going on?" I asked, wondering why she had called so early.

"Nothing much," she replied. "Would it be okay if I came over after school today? I need to check out something on your computer."

What could she possibly need with my computer? I thought it would be a good opportunity to break up with her if she came over, so I agreed.

After finishing my shower, I got dressed and went downstairs to wait for Em. We were driving into school together again today, and I wasn't really sure how things were going to be between us. I worried that she wouldn't be talking to me at all.

I was so embarrassed after admitting my love for Em last night, but I wouldn't change what I did if I had the chance to do it over. I needed her to know how I felt, no matter how strange it might seem to her. I really wanted her to drop Jake and agree to be with me, but who knew what would actually happen.

"Morning," Em said, walking past me, holding a piece of toast.

"Morning," I replied, suprised that she was speaking to me.

"Did Ellie call you?" she asked me.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I responded.

"She called me, too. She does really need to use your computer. I would tell you why, but I think it's better if she explains it herself," she exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

She smiled. "You'll just have to wait and see. Let's just say that at least half of it should be pretty hilarious," she explained.

I wondered what it could be, but I was dying to talk to Em about our interactions from the previous night. If only I could figure out a way to bring it up.

"Drew, you have to stop doing that," Em stated.

"Doing what?" I asked, confused again.

"You're staring at me. You shouldn't look at me like that," she said, staring at the ground. She was so cute when she was insecure. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I couldn't help but reach out and gently lift her chin so that she was looking into my eyes. A chill passed through me. It amazed me that someone could make me feel so.......alive. It was like I'd been asleep my whole life, and now I was awake.

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