Chapter Sixteen

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We organized a special Iftar breaking of fast for Baba the following day, that was after he met Abba, Umma and every other person in the royal household in the morning.

Everyone was present except Abba, I invited Sameer, Maryam came too. There were different varieties of food, but I went for my favorite, masa da miyan taushe rice pancakes with grounded groundnuts and vegetable soup, with kunun aya tiger nuts drink. I ate from the same dish with Baba.

Sameer helped himself from the kunun gyada pap and kosai beans cake, while Khalil seemed to enjoy only the fish pepper soup and zobo hibiscus drink. We laughed at Baba's numerous stories, it was as if we have known each other all our lives.

From afar I could see Khairi serving fura da nono to Batuul and Maryam, I didn't know what the others were eating. We were so carried away with Baba's stories that before we knew it the Isha Ahzan was called, we all rushed to the masjid while Khalil headed to the female's masjid. It was his turn to lead them today.

"Sultan Sultan, will you stop please"

Hearing his voice, I increased my pace, I was on my way back from the masjid. He caught up with me and blocked my way

"What's wrong with you, why are you acting like a girl" he said with an amused smile which made me angrier than I already was at him

"Oh now you are calling me girl right Sameer? Fine" I said and made to pass but he blocked my way again

"I'm sorry okay, you know that's not what I mean"

"Ok then" I made to go again

"Wait now, at least tell me what I did that made you angry like this, because if I can remember the last time you were angry like this was when Laila that Mu'allims daughter lied to her father that you proposed marriage to her and promised to come back home with her "

I will so kill Sameer, he is mocking me right.

"You are even asking me why I'm angry, mocking me even, I thought you were avoiding me, why are you talking to me now? "

"Avoiding you, why on earth will I do that? "

"Ask yourself, Sameer. Ever since I told you about this marriage...infact you were the first person I told, I told you because you were my friend, I relied on you for advice and emotional support. But what did you do, you started avoiding me" I said, shaking my head then continued "We only meet at the masjid and part there, you don't even ask me what's up. If you were in my position I know I will never do that "
I could see guilt on his face, for the first time Sameer felt remorseful.

"I'm so sorry Sultan, waďu munyel useni, it was not intentional" I eyed him "Ok even if it was intentional, it was due to some unforeseen circumstances, circumstances beyond my control. I'm so sorry"

"You needed to see how Batuul and Maryam were misbehaving the first day I went for the supposed date, I felt like a fool all thanks to you, you refused to come with me, you would have atleast put them in order"

"Maryam was there? Of course you know how very mischievous she is, you should have sent her away, anyway I said I'm sorry, I really am" At least he apologised.

"No problem, since you've  apologised, I hold no grudges against you"

"You sure?"


"Ok then, thank you"

"Now let's go, we have alot of catching up to do"

We saw Mama on our way to my chamber, I made to avoid her, but too late, Sameer spoiled everything for me

"Good evening Mama" he knelt down and greeted her after getting her attention

"Sameer how are you, how is the Ramadan going"

"Fine Alhamdulillah"

She then looked up at me "Sultan, I have a feeling that you have been avoiding me, now follow me, I need to talk to you " she instructed and walked ahead. That's it.

I started walking when Sameer drew me back, his mischievous smile was back. "I thought someone said I was avoiding him, turns out that someone is avoiding someone too" I made to punch him but he dodged

"I will get back to you later, you will see "

"Sit down" I obeyed

"You know we have an unfinished discussion and you have been avoiding me, besides you look stressed out. Now tell me, what's wrong with you?"

That was Mama being strict

"It's not like I'm avoiding you Mama, it's just that I don't want you to get worried"

"Can a son ever worry his mother?  Now tell me "

I heaved  "Abba wants me to marry Batuul"

"Masha Allah, this is good news right, but wait, you told me about some girl you were in love with, though you didn't tell me her name isn't it?"

"Yes Mama, I wanted to tell Abba that day, but it was on that same day he told me about my marriage to Batuul, so I couldn't "

"Subhanallah, who is the other girl now?"

"Her name is Khairi, she is Batuul's personal maid "

"Hmmm, this is all so complicated Sultan" she said, putting her hand under her chins, something she always did when she was confused
"That's why I didn't tell you in the first place,  see now you are worried "

"No, it's a good thing you did, even though my hands are tied on this issue. How wish I could talk to His highness, but as you know I can't, and his decisions are final"

She was crying now "I'm sorry Sultan, I'm sorry I failed you"

"Oh no Mama, don't cry, your prayers is all I need, not your tears"

"In Sha Allah, I will. Just put this in mind, if she is meant to be your wife, you shall marry her matan mutum kabarinsa, in da rabo zaka aure ta In Sha Allahu. Don't worry all will be well at the end a nani na you hear just have fate. And you are going to be king very soon, may Allah guide and protect you, Allah hokku sa'a best of luck."

"Ameen Mama Ameen"

"So all this has been going on and you never cared to tell me?" It was then I saw Qudsiyya, I didn't know when she joined us

"I didn't want to bother anyone that's why " I explained.
"You are too secretive for health, you haven't changed a bit "

"leave him alone useni please" Umma intervened

"Okay then, let me leave mother and son alone" she got up to go "Sultan?"


"I will be here, in case you need anything, I'm sorry about all this" she gave me a reassuring and somewhat apologetic smile which I was so grateful for.


Sorry for the late update pleasssssse

To Safiyyaah and Layla_bookaddict, thank you for visiting, I really appreciate, my dedications to you guys😍😍

Also dedicated to all Nana Hall girls reading Sultan💝💝, in fact BUK students in general, don't be ghost readers pls drop ur comments. Also show ur faces so if I meet you on the road, I won't pass by with out knowing that you are reading SULTAN.

Lots of love 😍😍😍😍

AmirahJulde 💝💝

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