Chapter Twenty-six

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sarrahtoo, this chapter is yours and yours alone 😍😍😍thanks for trolling for an update, I wouldn't have updated I'm sure 😂😂😂

Related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud. Al-Hakim graded it as Sahih.
"Judges are three, two are in hellfire and one is in heaven. The judge who discovers the truth and rules for it is in heaven. The judge who discovers the truth, but judges unjustly deliberately, he is in hellfire. And the judge who rules without knowledge, he is in hellfire" this is a Sahih Hadeeth in its chain of narration (isnad), and has a witness for its Sahih isnad according to Muslim.

"Hmm, alot has happened in just a few days Sultan, but all praises be to Allah that things turned out pretty good at last. Alhamdulillah" Sameer patted my back, we were sitting outside the masjid after Asr prayers, passersby came by to greet and congratulate both of us, me, for my upcoming wedding and coronation and Sameer, for his new appointment as Khadi of Shariah Court.

Sameer spoke and acted so calmly, he's become matured all of a sudden. Being a judge has really changed my friend for good. It is really amusing I tell you. Sameer, a Judge, all grown up and matured within just few days of his appointment.

"So how are the preparations coming through?" he asked

"Alhamdulillah, though I'm not like really involved in the preparations stuff. Umma and Mama are taking care of everything"

"Masha Allah, so how do you feel now"

"The feeling is overwhelming I tell you"

"Don't worry, it shall all come to pass"

"Now enough about me, let's talk about you. How has it been? I mean the feeling of being a Judge" I asked

"As you said earlier, the feeling is just overwhelming, I mean it's a lot of responsibility vested upon me. I'm perturbed to some extent Sultan. I will be dealing with people's lives and property, what if I tamper with people's lives, or on the basis of evidence I pass a judgement in favour of the offender and penalise the innocent party, how would I live with myself? he said worriedly

"All you need now is to be stead fast in prayers my friend. Leadership, adjudication, all these are very sensitive responsibility, and fortunately, we both find ourselves in those positions. I have a strong feeling Allah has a reason for giving us both these positions, let's embrace them in good faith.

I believe you were chosen for this position because they deem you fit for the purpose, and even though you're still very much young, you are responsible and also learned in Islamic Law.

About being clueless or scared of making mistakes in while adjudicating, of course you will not be giving off hand judgement, you will follow the dictates of Islam, the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet as your primary sources.

Keep one thing in mind, equality, everyone is equal before the law. The way you will pass judgement on a pauper is same as the way you pass on a noble. Remember Caliph Ali RA was once involved in a case with a Jew over an armor, and because he couldn't provide much evidence to prove that it was his, he lost the case to the Jew. For this singular demonstration of equality involving a caliph of Islam made the Jew convert to Islam" I finished with a smile

"Allahu Akbar" he nodded

"Remember when a case where a lady from the Makzumiyya tribe was alleged to have committed theft, during the time of the Prophet SAW and she was brought before him for judgement, her people tried to persuade the Prophet on it, upon his refusal, they went through Usamah, whom the Prophet was fond of and requested him to intercede on their behalf. When the Prophet was informed of this, he became so furious and summoned the Ummah, then mounted the pulpit. He addressed them in a disturbed way saying "O people, those that preceded you perished simply because when the noble amongst them committed an offence of theft, they set him free, when the weak among them commit the same offence, they impose the hadd punishment. By Allah, if Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad SAW were to commit theft, I shall cut off her hand"

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