Chapter 2

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“Harry?” I asked more to myself than to him. This couldn’t be happening, no. Maybe I had died on my way back home on a car accident and this was hell. He is the reincarnation of the devil itself. Yeah, that’s the most accurate description.

What the fuck?” I continued with my so not eloquent questions.

“Hello to you too.” He told me with a sarcastic smirk.

In my mind I was about to jump and clear that smirk off his face with a chainsaw. Unfortunately I couldn’t do that or I’d be sent to jail. I don’t look really good in orange so I had to control myself.

“What are you doing here?” I was finally able to form a coherent question.

“Well, I thought it would be a great idea to spend the summer with my old friends. Why? Missed me?” 

“Not really.” C’mon Lottie, stay calm, you can do this. “Louis I’ll be with the girls upstairs. Call me when dinner’s ready.” I told to my brother while almost running to the first step of the staircase that led to the upper floor.

“No wait!” Louis stopped me. “Why don’t you stay here with us? We can watch T.V. or something. I’ll let you choose.”

“Is this some kind of bribe so that I make dinner?” I said with my hands on my hips and an arched eyebrow.

“Maybe” he said innocently while pouting like a child. It would have been really hard for me to say no if Harry hadn’t been looking at me expectantly.

“No” I said and turned around without another word.

“Oh c’mon Lottie. We can stay here, and have a little fun. I can make dinner if you want” Sophie said with a pleading look. She wanted to stay there for Zayn, as they were dating, but I hated the idea of sharing any more oxygen with the alien sitting on my couch whose name was Harry Styles.

“Please, just say yes” She said almost desperately. I had had enough of puppy faces for a day, so I couldn’t hold it anymore.

“Whatever” I simply said, as if it was nothing to me. The truth: I was slowly dying inside.

I sat as far away from Harry as possible, right next to Liam, my loyal friend.

“So… what’s up?” I asked him trying to start a casual conversation, but honestly I kept glancing at Harry from the corner of my eye. He was staring at me and he wasn’t even trying to hide it.

“Not much, we’ve just been playing Xbox all day.” He answered paying more attention to the T.V. than to me. Thanks Liam, what an awesome friend, I really appreciate it.

“Hey sis, maybe you should dump that Zac jerk and date Liam” my brother made one of his usual attempts to convince me to break up with Zac. He couldn’t have chosen a better timing to do so, right?

“Who’s Zac?” Oh, yeap, there you go. He had to ask. He just HAD to.

“He’s Lottie’s brainless boyfriend” he faked a cough in the middle trying to hide his insult to Zac.

“Not funny Lou, not funny” I said more than annoyed.

“Oh c’mon, you know he’s a jerk. I can’t really understand why you’re dating him. He ain’t smart, nice and he isn’t even as pretty as Niall is” He said gesturing with his hands towards Niall to create a bigger effect.

“Hey!” Niall said while dramatically putting a hand to his chest in pain.

“Not now Louis, please.” I pleaded my brother hoping that for once in his life he’d listen to me.

“Maybe you should date Harry instead. I’m giving you a lot of options, you know?” he shrugged.

Oh Gods of the universe, what have I done wrong? What kind of evil thing have I done to deserve this?

“You know what?” I said while standing up from my spot next to Liam, “I think I’ll make dinner now.” I had had enough of this extremely awkward and annoying conversation. I just needed to get out of that room as soon as possible.

I entered the kitchen and leaned against the door. This was going to be a hard summer. Wait, how long was Harry planning to stay? God please, I know I don’t usually pray or go to church but I’d really appreciate if you would make him leave soon.

“Hey” Harry said as he entered the small kitchen.

Looks like God was busy attending other people’s prayers or he was really keen on making my life more difficult.

“Hey. Are you staying for dinner?” I asked while placing all the items I needed on the counter trying to avoid any eye-contact.

“Maybe. Depending on what you’ll cook”

I really wanted to spit on his plate or even put poison on his drink.

“Pasta, I’m making pasta.” I replied shyly still with my back to him.

“Are you okay Lobster? Do I make you nervous?” He asked with a clear amused tone.

I couldn’t look weak. I had to seem as if he had no effect on me, I had to be strong.

“Not at all, Harry. Why? Do I make you feel nervous?” I asked, turning the game on him. I stood tall and sure of myself, I had to show confidence.

He then approached me, leaving his spot next to the door, and stood right into my face, clearly showing that he was the lion here and I was the prey.

“No, but you sure make me feel a lot of things.” He said while coming even closer to me. Our bodies were inches apart. He looked straight into my eyes so intensely that he left me speechless. His eyes then moved to my lips, my mouth went dry and I felt uneasy under his gaze. It seemed like he was about to kiss me, and I was surprised by how bad I wanted that kiss. Our noses were barely rubbing, and I could taste his minty breath. I found myself standing on my tip toes. We were so close that I could almost feel the softness of his pink lips. And then he was gone.

I was left there standing alone in the kitchen, as he exited the room with a smirk on his face. I hated him, I definitely hated him.

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