Chapter Eleven: Hurt.

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So, guys! Here's me! We've been bombed with one shot requests! Hope you like :)




Chapter Eleven: Hurt.

|~Louis' POV~|

"Oh my God, Lou, your phone is ringing!" yelped Lana. I had to process why exactly she was so hyped about a phone call before remembering it could be our manager Rayna.

"Oh my God, my phone is ringing!" I roared, diving for it. I said a quick prayer in my head, before answering.

"Hi Rayna!"

"Louis." Rayna's voice was toneless as usual.

"Amber's broken her leg," I said nervously.

"I was informed." Rayna's response was.

"Can't we postpone the tour?" I asked hopefully. Rayna made a clucking noise with her tongue. Hope. I hope. I'll even say it in Spanish - Esperanza...please.

"No, Louis, we can't do that." Rayna's reply was short and snappy.

"But we're not doing it without them!" I argued. "Can't they stay on the bus?"

"Oh, fine!" Rayna snapped. I shut my phone off. That was something.

"What'd she say?" Harry asked nervously. I sighed and told him. They all nodded solemnly.

"I'm sorry," Amber whispered. "I didn't mean to make this happen."

There was an uproar.

"It's not your fault Amber!"

"If it's anyone's fault it's mine!"

"Don't even DARE say that!"

Amber smiled to herself, and shook her head. I wrapped an arm around Lana's waist, kissing her forehead.

"Love you," I mumbled into her hair.

"Back atcha," She whispered. Zayn then of course, pulled Amber onto his lap and kissed her cheek.

"Second date, tomorrow...Nando's?" I suggested.

"A bit of a tradition, eh?" She smirked. Niall and Lana had gone to Nando's and so had Amber and Zayn.

"You could make it a double date," Harry yawned, stretching out.

"Not a bad idea, Haz," I ruffled his curls and pretended to kiss his cheek.

"You cheating on me?" Lana joked. I laughed.

"I know! Let's play QuickFire!" Liam yelled, leaping up.

"OKAY!" Niall screamed in his face.

"GOING DEAF!" Amber shouted.

"SO I AM!" bellowed Zayn, loudest of us all.

"SHUT UP!" screamed Lana. I take that back, Lana is way louder than Zayn.

|~Amber's POV~|

"Amber vs Hazza." I said. Oh dear God.

"Go," Lana prompted.

"Okay, I'll just tweet for some questions..." Louis clicked a few keys and his mentions exploded.

"Amber! How many boys have you kissed?"

"Uh, six?" I said, remembering a Suite Life on Deck episode.

"Harry! Do you like Amber?"

"Heck no!"

"Ouch!" I faked hurt.

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