Chapter Twenty: Disaster.

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Haha! Lana's so mean! How could she leave you all on a cliffhanger?! Eh?! ;) Well, now it's resolved! :)

And yes, sorry I took so long. I'm a busy girl ya know!! ;D

Lana's POV:

''Excuse me. What?!'' I squealed. Simon continued to stare at me.

''No way. No way, no way.'' I was muttering to myself.

''You'll have to leave.'' Simon stared at me coldly.

''I can't! I won't!'' I cried, tears forming yet again in my eyes. {L/N: THANKS Amber, for making me seem like a brat. ;) }

''You can and you will,'' Simon nodded and jerked his head in my direction. Two big burly men came over to me and took me by my arms.

''This is violation!'' I yelled, yanking my arms away from the monsters.

''It's only violation because you don't seem to want to come with us.'' Simon explained. Tears blinded me as I let them take me off the bus.

And Louis wasn't even here, helping me like he should be.

''Wait! You can't just take her! I won't let you!'' Amber screamed, standing in front of the three men.

''Lady, please, move.'' one of the men went to push her out of the way but she stood there and knocked him out of her way.

''For a pretty big guy, you're not much to move.'' Amber snorted.

''Amber, move.'' Simon told her, a fiery coldness to his gaze.

''No. I will not move and let my best-friend, the one who is like a sister to me, get kicked off the bus without me. No way. I may be a push-over sometimes, but I'm not a push-over when it comes to this. To my friend being kicked out.'' she breathed hard.

Then the five boys came in, panting, probably because they were running. They had gone for a walk, except Harry, but when they heard the raised voices they must've come running.

''What's happening?'' Zayn asked looking from Amber's cold and frowning face to my sad, tear-stained face.

''Simon wants Lana to go home.'' Amber explained.

''What? Why?'' Louis gasped, even though he could hardly breathe.

''Because of the papers.'' Simon shoved a paper in his face and Louis grabbed it.

''Oh my God...'' Louis sighed, his hands in his hair.

''Tell me about it,'' Liam said, glancing at it.

''Amber? Why are you so angry?'' Zayn went over to her. She still stood by the door, blocking the exit for the big burly guy who still held onto me.

''Let go of her,'' Amber told the guy. He hesitated. ''If you don't wanna get hurt, I suggest you let go.'' The big guy snorted, thinking what a girl like Amber would do to him.

''Let. Go. Of. Her.'' Amber gritted her teeth together.

''She has to come with us.'' Simon said.

''For crying out loud! She is not going with you!'' Amber exploded in anger. ''If she goes, then I go too!'' she yelled in frustration.

Silence. I could nearly hear Louis' heartbeat.

''What...?'' Zayn turned to look at Amber.

''Amber, you can't leave!'' Harry cried.

''Oh yeah? Then why can Lana?'' she countered him. {L/N: In Amber's world, she's the heroine and I'm the damsel in distress ;) Maybe I should have kicked HER off the bus ;)}

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