t e a [two]

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harry's pov

i rested my chin at the palm of my right hand, my thoughts were itinerant. a lot of exhausting things happened right after our management paid a random yet well-known blog about our trip to a place called paradise. not that i don't like the fact of having a peaceful vacation to a remote place, but the fact that they decided to cancel all of our packed upcoming activities as a band in the middle of promoting our new album. and we have to go with four girls who obviously loath us to death.

"tea?" i was snapped back to reality as liam thrusted a teacup right in front of my face.

"nah, i'm good" i answered with an uncomfortable shift in my seat, giving liam a space to sit.

he shrugged "more for me then"

and then there was a beat of silence until my mind pondered with a thought that my mouth suddenly spoke aloud. i hate it when i lose control over my senses sometimes.

"what do you think will happen at our vacation?" i turned my head to look at liam who was coughing all over the place at my question.

i stifled a laugh before patting him at the back "didn't knew you could choke on tea"

he set down the cup on the polished floor before giving me an uncompromising gaze, flipping his middle finger at me and jabbing my cheeks with the finger afterwards. he might be older than me but he is still a bit childish compared to me. i don't know why, maybe its because old people are so thirsty to become youthful again that they act like a fucking fetus? oh no, i don't want to grow up and become desperate like liam.

i pushed his finger away with a scowl and asked him the same question again. this time he let out an 'ehem' and answered me afterwards.

"well i can't see the future but i think it will turn out...nice?"

"you're only questioning my question"

"then go ask the other boys because i certainly don't know" he rolled his eyes and muttered 'brat' under his breath before standing up and leaving with the used cup.

sad to say, murdering old dickheads isn't at the contract that we have just signed two days ago.

[EDITING] Behind the Cameras (Little Mix and One Direction fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now