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Jungkook groans as he grumpily trudges to where Yoongi is.

" What is it, hyung?" Jungkook asks the older guy. Yoongi turns to look at him with a glare.

"Why is the dorm so messy?! Didn't I tell you to clean it yesterday?!" Yoongi exclaims, staring the younger down.

"Hyung, I had classes and dance practice the whole day yesterday. How do you expect me to clean up when I wasn't here the whole day?" Jungkook calmly says.

Yoongi becomes quiet. He looks around the place and sighs.

"I'm sorry Kook. It's just I've been really stressed out recently," Yoongi says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay hyung. So tell me, is this certain stress centered on a certain silver-haired manchild with chubby cheeks?" Jungkook says, looking at his hyung with amusement in his eyes.

"Shut up. And no, it is certainly not about Park Jimin," Yoongi denies, almost too quickly. Jungkook smirks at his hyung.

"Ok, whatever you say hyung."

Jungkook begins to pick up the rubbish scattered around their dorm. As exhausted as he is, he really hates seeing anything out of place. With the help of Yoongi, they are able to quickly finish cleaning up.

"What are your plans for today?" Yoongi asks the younger, as they settle on the now clean couch to watch a movie.

"I'm going to the library to grab some books that I need for my research paper then come back here to read them," Jungkook replies.

"That's so boring!" Yoongi whines.

"I am a boring person after all," Jungkook says. Yoongi only hums in response.

"I know! Come with me to the party tonight!" Yoongi suddenly exclaims, causing Jungkook to jump a little.

"Jesus, hyung. I'd rather not go to a party where I'll just end up ruining the mood with my grumpiness," Jungkook says.

"Oh come on kid! It's a Saturday, get a life! You staying in here all the time is the reason why you're always so angry and jumpy. You need to get out more. It's final, you're coming with me tonight."

Yoongi says it with such finality that Jungkook cannot bring himself to complain.

'At least I could finally do something fun for once in my life,' Jungkook thinks to himself.

Jungkook goes to change so he can go get the books from the library. As he is walking to the library, he notices that every student he crosses paths with immediately veers away from his path. He can't blame them though, he is a notorious bad boy after all. He prefers this kind of set up anyways. He only has a few friends, majority of them from the dance crew he is a member of and of course, his Yoongi hyung.

As soon as he enters the library, all the attention is on him. He can see different expressions on the people's faces, most of them fear and wariness. He ignores them and goes to find the books he needed. After getting all the books he needed, he goes to the librarian's desk to check the books out. However, instead of Mrs. Han, a blonde-haired guy is sitting behind the desk. The guy looks up from his phone when Jungkook places the books on the desk. Jungkook freezes as he stares back at the most beautiful set of hazel brown eyes he ever saw. Jungkook can feel himself drowning in those eyes.

"-going to check these out?"

Jungkook blinks twice. The guy is smiling at him, hand resting on top of the books Jungkook had chosen.

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