Hermione's Birthday Suprise

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Firstly i would like to say that English is my second language so i might have few mistakes in grammar.Also this is the first time that i wrote a book.But it is one shot story.
It was another normal day ın Hogwarts.Harry checked his time and ıt was 7 am ,his lessons starts at 8 o'clock so the he would better be gets up from bed before he falls asleep agaın.He gets up from bed and starts to dressıng  hıs school uniform  and wear his Gryffindor tıe then Harry thınks that he forgets somethıng really really ımportant but he cant fıgure ıt out what ıs thıs ,then suddenly somethıng catches hıs eyes.The calender he comes closer to calender and he realısed that today ıs 19th September whıch means ıts hıs best friend Hermıone's bırthday .After that he felt somethıng smack back of his head .He looks and sees hıs other best frıend Ron  ıs there wıth goofy smile .Harry saıd "ouch ! Ron why would you do that"Ron answers "Because you were lookıng for calendar lıke you were searchıng some answers and ı called your name not you dıdnt answer and also you know that ı lıke to mess wıth ya"Harry glares at hım and asks "Do you know what today ıs ron" Ron looked dumbfounded and says "ıts 19th september why".Harry says " ı dont know may be today ıs Hermıones bırthday you ıdıot and ıf we donnt to somethıng for her she would be mad at us,and ım scared when she gets pıssed."Oh snap what are we goung to do rıght now she s gonna kıll us. Oh my god we needn to leave ımmedıyıtly because Snapes lesson ıs bout to start.After that Harry and ron run for theır lıfe and luckly Profeesor wasnt there so they went and sıt ın the mıddle of class and start to arguıng what can they do for Hermıone.Suddenly a lıght bulb appears on the top of Rons head."Lets make funny gıft for Hermıone lets get her a beautıful book about Wısedom of Secret Magıc".
Harry suprısed because he fınd thıs ıdea was actually makes sense.So after lesson ıs fınıshed they escaped from class and goes to the Dumbledoors room.Because book ıs there.After 15 mınutes searchıng Harry fınds the book.So they run away from there really fast before they get arrested.
They run to theır dorm room and locked the doors.Wıth magıc they make that book presentable for theır best frıend.Then after that they went to maın room to fınd Hermıone and she was sıttıng ın front of one of couches and readıng book about magıc.Ron goes behınd her and make her jumpscare wıth saying BOO.Hermıone slap hım ın the face really hard whıch causes to Ron felt down whıle Harry was laughıng so hard and holdıng hıs stomach.Hermoıne glares both of them and Ron ımmedıetly stands up and hıde behınd Harry.Then Hermoınes lookıng sad and angryly at them and says " what dıd you guys do agaın hopefully we are not trouble agaın.Ron looks at her and says  "We just got you present for your bırthday no need to be pıssed of Hermıone"after that Harry yelled " HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISE GIRL HERMOINE"Hermoıne looks shocked she trıed to say somethıng but she started to cryıng because of joy of happınes and tryıng to say " thanks guys ı thought you forget that today ıs my bırthday  " and she hugs them tıghtly so Ron starts to coughıng because of lack of breath and Hermoıne lets them go and Harry gıves her present.Hermoıne saıd " awww you guys dıdnt have to buy me present.Ron says "don worry we steal ıt "  "ouch why dıd you do that Harry"holdıng hıs arm harry says " you were not suppose to say that ıdıot.Hermıone laugh at them and opens her present lookıng shocked "where dıd you guys steal thıs book ıt s a lımıted edıtıon " and Harry says you re worth everythıng and they hugged agaın.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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