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 " No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. –Buddha

“I’m so not going to that party.” I shook my head, shoving my books into my locker.

   “You have to! If you don’t come, I will kidnap you and force you to come.” Sage crossed her arms.

   Her phone started to buzz and she answered it. She began talking quietly and I shut my locker door. Eventually Sage had walked off and I was now just awaiting Harry’s arrival. I tapped on my locker door and started to whistle.

   Where on earth was that boy? I pulled my bag over my shoulder and looked around. Once again, I had been stood up. And the only thing we were doing was walking home! I mean, obviously there was something going on. I made my way to the exit and pushed through the doors.

   I shielded my eyes from the bright sun and looked both ways before crossing the street. I pulled out my headphones and slid them on. I whistled along to Hey There Delilah and shoved my hands into my pocket.

   I looked down at the ground and began kicking away the random pebbles that were along the path. Sage was probably off with her boyfriend and Harry…I didn’t even know what was up with Harry anymore.

   I made my way onto our street and walked down to Harry’s house. I trotted up driveway and then up the stairs to his door. I pulled out my ear buds and began knocking on the door. I waited for him to open up the door and then I’d yell at him for ditching me. I knocked again, harder this time, but still no answer. I rolled my eyes and began walking over to my house.

   “Whatever, Harry.” I muttered to myself as I came up to my door.

   It was partially open, which I thought was a bit odd. I came in and found nothing gone or broken, so I didn’t really think much of it. I yelled out that I was home and shut the door behind me.

   I threw my bag over onto the couch and came into the kitchen. I reached into the fridge and pulled out the milk. I looked around to make sure my sister wasn’t watching before I opened the lid and drank from the jug. I walked upstairs and looked around for Diana.

   I was going to need her help for some options on the dance. It was only two weeks away and I really needed to get started on it. I was getting absolutely no help from Harry, but whatever. I went into her room and found her asleep on the bed.

   I looked into Cassidy’s crib to make sure she wasn’t like missing or some shit. But she was there…and everything was fine. I walked into my room and covered my mouth to stop from screaming.

   “God Sage, you scared the shit out of me! You don’t just walk into someone’s house!”

   She shrugged and put down on of my pictures. “The door was open, and I didn’t feel like waiting at my house. Anyway, we have to go shopping. So get your little shoes back on and let’s go!”

   She held onto my hand and pulled me out of my room. Sage was a bit clingy, but I honestly didn’t mind. Her heart was in the right place.  I smiled and pulled back on my worn out shoes. We ran outside and slid into her 2010 Elantra. We began rolling down the street and I turned to her.

   “Where exactly are we going?”

   “The mall, duh.” She said like it was obvious and began covering her lips in a bright pink lip-gloss.

   She made a sharp turn and it caused my body to push into the door. She ran her manicured hands through that bright red hair of hers and smiled. I turned to look out the window and sighed. There were so many better things I could be doing on my Friday rather than going shopping.

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