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So I did change up a bit of the story. I changed Desirae's name to Daniela. I know things are a bit confusing at this point but don't worry, you'll find out all you need to know soon [:


"They've promised that dreams can come true but forget to mention that nightmares are dreams, too." -Oscar Wilde

 Pain. That’s the first thing that registered through my mind when my eyes shot open. I was standing in front of a stopped car, the headlights blinding me. I stepped away from it and shielded my eyes. The rain was pounding down onto the roof of the car, but I realized something quickly.

   I wasn’t wet at all. Meaning this was a dream. A nightmare even. I looked to find the car door wide open but when I looked over there was no one inside of the small jeep. I looked around, waiting for the dream to continue. Suddenly there was a large smashing sound coming from the top of the car and I quickly directed my attention towards it.

   A body rolled off of the roof and down the shield of the car. I stepped back quickly and found myself too terrified to go near the body. The voice that belonged to the body groaned loudly and fell onto the ground. I slowly crept near the body and looked over it as it stood up.

   By this point, I was hardly even surprised that Zayn had found his way into my dreams again. But who was with him, well that was another story. He quickly looked away from the car and wiped the blood from under his nose away. 

   His eyes shot back towards the car, mine too, as the sound of shattering glass echoed through the empty street. A body had dropped onto the shield and was now hanging through it, their leg draped over the steering wheel.

    The falling victim was a man, a heavyset one with a face full of stress lines. Zayn stared down at him with a disgusted face and a scrunched nose. The face mirrored the one had he given me earlier at Harry’s house.

   Zayn clutched the man’s shirt by the scruff of his neck and pulled his body out of the glass. I gasped and covered my mouth as the blood smeared across the front of the small car. Zayn dropped his body onto the ground and stomped next to his head, yelling at him to stand the fuck up.

   The man slowly and shakily reached up to grab the hood of the car to pull himself up. He began breathing heavily and Zayn watched over him with an impatient look. All of a sudden the man growled loudly and turned to face Zayn.

   He threw his arms out to attack Zayn but he was probably just as surprised as I was when he looked up to find a handgun pressed to his head.

   “You wouldn’t.” The man angrily whispered.

   Zayn’s eyes darted to the car then back to the man. “I did.” He paused. “Where is she and where is it?”

   The man closed his eyes for a long time, as if in deep thought. As he was doing so I slowly walked backwards to the car, looking in to see what Zayn had motioned to. I stuck my head in the open door and looked around the car. I quickly let out a loud scream as I faced a young woman sitting next to a car seat.

   The blood was seeping from her side and her hands were covering the wound, like she had attempted to stop the bleeding. I bit down onto my lip and let out a shaky breath as I looked over to the car seat.

   I reached over and tilted it to look inside. I let out a sigh of relief and crawled away from the car. Thankfully there was no baby or anything inside. I looked back over to Zayn and the man. I walked over slowly as he reopened his eyes.

   “I’m not telling, kill me too if you must.” He spoke calmly despite the gun being pressed onto his forehead harder.

   I looked over to Zayn’s stern face, wondering why he had just murdered a family. Zayn’s finger came dangerously close to the trigger yet the man hadn’t flinched once. Zayn took the gun away from his wrinkled forehead and sighed heavily.

Fear || zm au{rewriting soon.}Where stories live. Discover now