Chapter 18

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"So how are things with lover girl ?" Ashley asked teasingly as Dusty entered their bedroom, freshly showered with her hair bunched up in a towel.

"Good," Dusty answered but couldn't stop herself from blushing.

"Oh my God, you guys totally did it last night," Ashley declared, grinning widely. "I guess I can therefore forgive you for missing the Primadonna party."

"How was the party?"

"Don't you dare change the subject," Ashley warned. "I want details."

"There are no details." Dusty shook her hair loose and began rummaging for her hair dryer.

"Don't hold out on me," Ashley whined. "I live for this stuff." Sitting cross-legged on her own bed, Ashley gave her best friend puppy-dog eyes.

"There's not much to tell. But, Ash, I have fallen in love with her."

"Oh my God, oh my god, oh my god!" Ashley bounded over and embraced her friend, squealing with excitement as she did so. "My little Dusty is all grown up and in lurve," she joked. "Seriously, though, I can now forgive you blowing me off all the time since this thing with Kyera is the real deal."

"You got her name right."

"Well, now you love her, I've got to take her seriously." Ashley smiled.

"Have I really been overly MIA?" Dusty asked, looking at the carpeted floor.

"It happens to us all when we meet someone who stops us being able to see straight," Ashley said.

"But you're my best friend. I don't want to stop spending as much time together because I've met someone."

"Well, you've already overcome the initial hurdle: acceptance. You're aware you have a friend-neglect problem, which means I don't have to arrange an intervention." Ashley laughed.

"Seriously, Ash, how do I make up for being a lousy friend?"

"You could start by coming to the party over at Delta Sig with me tonight," Ashley suggested.

"Delta Sig." Dusty frowned, trying to recall if she'd been to that particular fraternity house before. "Isn't that over on the other side of campus?" Dusty queried.


"The house where all the brothers are on academic probation?"

"Not all the brothers."

"Ash, who is he?"

"His name is Tad, and he drives a motorcycle," Ashley explained.

"He sounds like trouble."

"Well, we've all got to get ourselves into some trouble sometime." Ashley raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Behave." Dusty smiled.

"You can't be the only one getting in trouble around here." Ashley laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll go."

"So how much trouble did you get into last night?"

"Stop it." Dusty raised a warning finger, citing that she wouldn't disclose any details of the previous night.

"Just give me ballpark. Was it mild misdemeanor or a felony?" Dusty was silent. "A felony, then. That good?" Ashley giggled.

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to."

"Is that the time?" Dusty glanced at the pink neon clock on the bedroom wall.

"Nice try changing the subject." Ashley pursed her lips in mocking disapproval.

"No, seriously, Ash, I'm late for class again. Dammit." Dusty began racing around her room, shoving items she'd need into her backpack. A few minutes later she bustled out the door, her hair still wet from her shower, and almost knocked over Cindy May, a fellow sorority sister.

"Sorry, Cindy," Dusty called back to her, already running down the central staircase of the house.

"What's her hurry?" Cindy directed her question to Dusty's roommate, who was back on her own bed, picking up a magazine to browse through.

"Late for class."

"Again? Isn't she already on probation?" Cindy enquired, leaning against the doorframe, her eyes regarding Ashley with interest.

"She'll be fine." Ashley waved a dismissive hand at the nosey sister. "Dusty is a smart girl. She'll sort it out."

"She'd better," Cindy chirped.


Dusty ran across the main courtyard, desperately trying to make up lost time. She was already half an hour late for her morning class. She'd overslept following her rooftop encounter with Kyera, coming in late and forgetting to set her alarm.

Shaking her head as she ran, Dusty berated herself for the hundredth time for not being organized. Since she'd met her, it was like her head was up with the stars she'd been gazing at, no longer present in the moment. She struggled to think straight, to focus. Though she doubted the academic board would appreciate her explanation.

"Sorry I've been late so much, I fell in love." She resented herself for letting her feelings get in the way of her studies. Determined to turn a corner, she finally arrived at her classroom and let herself in as stealthily as possible.

Miss Dunne was in full flow at the front of the room, and thankfully there was a desk near the door that Dusty could ease herself in to. A few heads turned to look her way, but most people were disinterested in her late arrival. It had become a regular occurrence and lost the element of spectacle.

Laying out her textbooks, Dusty felt self-conscious about her disheveled appearance. Her hair was still wet and sat flatly on her head, her clothes thrown on in a state of panic. Looking down, Dusty groaned inwardly when she spotted her sweater label sticking out at the front. In her haste she'd put it on back to front and inside out. Lowering herself into her chair, Dusty wanted the ground to just swallow her up.

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