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A/N : The presentation day was over so I think I can update regularly for now!😉

Chanyeol was drinking his morning tea when someone suddenly knocks on his door.

He rolls his eyes. He swear if it's not important-

"Sorry to disturb your morning routine, Sir. But I want to inform you that we will attend a meeting at Eun Company at 2pm today." Baekhyun informs quickly.

Chanyeol looks at him from head to the toes. He looks messy today for some reasons.

"Did I already said 'come in'?" Chanyeol lifts his left eyebrow which makes him unbelievably handsome.

Baekhyun widens his eyes in surprise before bows 90 degrees. "S-Sorry, Sir. I was in a hurry."

Chanyeol didn't said anything before saying, "Okay, please remind me again later. You may go."

Baekhyun somehow freeze on his spot. The CEO didn't shooing him like he used to be. At least he says more than 'okay, go' right?

Baekhyun finally moves his feet after bowing a bit.

He better prepare for the meeting more than thinking about the CEO, right?

It was 1pm when Baekhyun and Chanyeol enter the same car to go to the Eun Company to attend the important meeting.

None of them talk or move even an inch. Baekhyun is busy looking outside his window, while Chanyeol is doing the same. The driver is not confuse to see Chanyeol like this; quiet as ever. But Baekhyun? If Baekhyun have some meeting, it must be him who drive him, and the driver never find Baekhyun was quiet like this. He always talk about this and this with the driver. And it makes the driver confuse, somehow.

Baekhyun yawns a bit as he feel his eyes start to feel heavy. But then, he sneeze out of sudden. He's wondering what is the cause of his sneeze. But ended giving up as he sneeze even more.

Suddenly a hand offer him a handkerchief. He looks directly at Chanyeol, the one who offered him the handkerchief with his flat expression, not saying a single word.

Baekhyun can't believe on what he just see. But finally he accept it after blinks a few seconds, "Thank you, Mr. Park." And for the first time, he smiles genuinely to the CEO.

Chanyeol nods, before turns his head to the window again.

Baekhyun secretly glances at him. Thinking of how if this guy is not cold. He must be found this guy charming in the first place, indeed.

"These days, many people think about how if the industries.."

Baekhyun secretly yawns as the person who give them the presentation keep talking and talking. He can't believe that he has a flu right now. He didn't know exactly why, but he's sure he didn't do anything like stay outside when it's raining or something.

Finally after 3 hours that more like 3 days for Baekhyun, the meeting finally done.

After greeting some important people, finally Baekhyun and Chanyeol walks together to go back to the Park Corporation Building.

Because there's traffic jam on the road, the driver will come late. They wait at the outside of the Eun's building.

Chanyeol has no idea about a freezing Baekhyun right now. It's basically 5pm and the wind was pretty cold.

Baekhyun suddenly sneeze again. He looks terrible right now; his eyes are teary due to the sneeze, his nose is red, his hair is messy, and his cheeks are red because of the hot temperature of his body.

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