Chapter 1: School gets tougher

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"Ugh will it ever stop!", 17 year old Faith yells during her 5th period math class. Everyone looks back at her and stares. She hadn't noticed she fell asleep in math. She didn't even realize it was a new day. All she remembered was going to her shrink last night. 

"I'm sorry for disrupting.", Faith said to the teacher hoping for forgiveness. The teacher continued her lesson, but Faith didn't follow along. All she could think about was how much she has missed.  Okay so how much did I miss? she says in her head. I went to Dr. Tenet , we went over how to control the anger and put it towards sports. Okay think Faith think what did you do after that? I walked home? No that doesn't seem right.

"Faith? Faith? Faith?" The teacher questions. 

"Faith are you okay?" I didn't realize the bell rang. It was an A day on block schedule so that was my last class for the day, and there was an assembly so I was late to that too. I walked in and everyone starred. I swear I heard laughing. For a moment I thought I was gonna pass out. I was dizzy and saw nothing but a blur. I heard a shallow, soft voice call my name. I thought it was reality until I heard everyone gasp. 

"What was that?" That's what they all say to me.

>Next day<

They all stare at me as I walk into school. As I walked through the halls. I was never ignored I always had some type of attention. That might be all I ever wanted as a kid, but now it is not the kind of attention I was striving for. During 3rd period I had went to the bathroom. I had looked in the mirror I saw something very unusual. It looked fake. I turned around. 

"Is this some kind of prank?" I say. I heard no response so I looked for some projector of some sort like hidden behind the stalls. I ask again, 

"Hello is anyone there, Lucy is this you trying to prank me?!" I was starting to get worried. I had actually started thinking it was real. I took another look in the mirror, except this time the creature tried talking to me. 

"Who are you?" The creature asked over and over. I finally respond the fifth time it asked. 

"I am Faith, a 17 year old girl, Who are you?" I replied. Me and the creature talked for a while. She told me her name was Lucy. I thought how odd that was considering that's my best friend's name. I hadn't realized what time it was, I had skipped over 2 periods. I asked Lucy if I could leave. 

"Where are you?" Lucy asked

"What are you talking about?" I asked "I'm at school."She asked again, and again, and once again. All with the same response of I'm at school. She started to freak me out. She told me if I was so sure that I was at school, then leave. I said thank you and turned around. I had almost fallen from a cliff. What was really freaky was that when I was talking to Lucy I had told her this exact spot, and then I showed up here. I was really freaked out. I knew this wasn't a prank anymore. I wondered how I could talk to her to get me back to school. I mean it was over, but at least I could get to my house from there. I pulled out my stupid phone because it buzzed. My teachers had updated my grades. I looked at them, 3 F's, a C-, and 4 D's. Surely my life couldn't get any worse. Well It's pretty cold up here, but at least it's a good view and I had some cell service. I pulled out my shiny ,pink covered pocket mirror. I had my initials in glitter, F.H. I opened it and saw Lucy holding a knife, I felt a chill of cold metal on my neck. I turned around, and suddenly dropped the mirror just to see it shatter.

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