Chapter 5

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Narrator POV

Sam woke up first and wanted a beer but he couldn't get to it without waking up Caitlin. He sighed and settled for his water. About 10 minutes later Marissa woke up and Sam made her get him one. Sam finished the whole beer before Caitlin even woke up. Caitlin wanted a beer but just took a sip of Dean's from last night since she couldn't have her own because they weren't at the bunker.

When Dean woke up, Caitlin asked if she could drive for the last few hours to Louisiana. At first, Dean said no but he was like putty in her hands and eventually agreed (after she promised to treat Baby like her own, of course). Dean got out and got in back, Marissa fixed her seat, and Caitlin climbed in front. For a minute Caitlin just sat there taking everything in; the way the seat was worn to fit Dean's ass, the fact that she had full control over the radio, how it felt to share the front with Marissa, how the soft leather of the wheel was even worn to the shape of Dean's hands, everything. Eventually Dean got bored and told Caitlin to "get a move on" and Caitlin started the car and smiled at the all too familiar sound of the engine.

Caitlin changed the radio station to 99.1 and turned the volume down because she didn't like the song that was playing. Marissa did though and went to turn it up. Caitlin slapped her hand away and said "you know the rule in this car!"

Marissa replied "yeah yeah driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."

Dean yelled "that's right" from the back and gave Caitlin a high five.

Caitlin said "that goes for you boy too! No complaining about the song or the volume!" and they drove in silence (except Caitlin and Marissa singing at the top of their lungs) for the rest of the way there.

End Chapter 5

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