Chapter Nine • Guest

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Armin blinked

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Armin blinked. Hesitancy held him back from speaking for a moment. Though, he knew it was unfair to keep silent now that he had rendered Mikasa curious. It was hard to convince himself to continue on, but he'd feel guilty if he didn't.
"I was going through a friend's blog, and I found this post of his," he began. "Someone had told him that they had this friend—someone they were close to platonically. They'd only been friends for a few months. Anyways, they said they'd been thinking about their friend a lot more than they normally would, and they thought they were in love with their friend."
    Mikasa listened closely and carefully, obviously following the direction the conversation was going in.
    Armin continued, "They said they were only friends for a few months, as I said, and that they didn't get to talk much." He stopped at that, being careful not to spill anything he didn't intend to.
    "What did your friend say in reply?" Mikasa asked.
    "He said to be upfront and honest about how they felt. And that they should be careful, because 'feelings are sometimes just feelings.'"
    Silently, Mikasa thought about what to say. She blinked and avoided Armin's eyes as she discussed things in her mind. A moment later, she looked at Armin again. "So I assume that you bringing this up means you think you're in love with Eren. Or me. But most likely Eren. I'll assume it's Eren."
    Armin mumbled a shy "yes."
    "Okay. Uh . . . I'm no connoisseur when it comes to romance and all that, in all honesty." She pursed her lips and tilted her head. "What do you want to do about your feelings?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "Do you want to confront Eren?"
    "Not really," he admitted quietly. "I don't want to potentially embarrass myself. Especially if he doesn't feel the same way."
    Mikasa nodded. "That's understandable." She paused again, but this time she looked Armin straight in the eyes and studied him.
    "What?" Armin's eyes grew wide in concern.
    "Don't do anything about your feelings until your confident in them," she pointedly instructed. "Maybe they'll go away, but maybe they'll grow. Maybe Eren isn't supposed to be more than a friend to you; maybe he'll end up having feelings for you. Just set however you feel aside for now and see how everything plays out."
    Armin frowned a little bit, looking slightly discouraged, though he didn't say anything.
    "I know," Mikasa sighed, "the feelings are nice, and you don't want them to go away. But I'm sure you'd rather that than to end up rushing into things, and potentially ending up in a terrible relationship, thus ruining even the slightest chance of a friendship with Eren."
    "You're right. I'm sorry, Mikasa. Thank you."
    Mikasa smiled. "Any time." She closed the box of cards that she was supposed to have put up by now. "That aside, if you want, me and Eren can teach you some more signs. He wants to be able to talk to you, instead of being stuck on greetings and goodbyes."
    Armin lit up. "Of course."
    "Great. We have some time to kill before dinner anyways, so I'll put these cards up and we can get a move on." She scooted her chair back from the table and turned the box of cards in her hand. "I'll meet you in the living room in a minute."
    "Alright." He got up and pushed his chair back against the table. The both of them walked out of the kitchen and headed their separate ways.

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