Chapter Twenty One • Confrontation

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Armin became uneasy again, but in a new way

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Armin became uneasy again, but in a new way. This uneasiness felt more exciting and positive, however that worked.
    His eyes met Eren's, and they both held a meaningful stare. Yet the both of them showed different expressions.
    However, when Eren noticed how enthralled Armin appeared now, he couldn't help but feel that way too.
    "What?" Eren asked. "What is it?"
    "Eren, I . . . I've been fighting this for a while now. A long while.
"Mikasa has helped me a lot, but I can't help it." He inhaled, holding his breath for a moment as he thought excitedly.
    Now was Eren's turn to be stuck in miserable anticipation. Fortunately it didn't last long.
    "I've had feelings—strong feelings—for a long time, regarding you.
"And because I didn't want them to ruin our chance at a strong relationship right off the bat, I tried pushing them away.
"That's why I paid more attention to Mikasa! I thought I ignored her too much because of my feelings for you, so I decided it'd be a great idea to pay more attention to her and less to you. That was . . . A terrible decision, though. I now realize that." He lowered his head and blinked. "I'm sorry."
Eren was less excited now, but he didn't seem upset anymore. "That's it? That's why?" He scooted up in the bean bag and almost smiled. "I don't get it, but . . . You could've just talked to me."
Armin met his eyes again. "No, I didn't know you very well then. I didn't want to make things awkward."
Eren crossed his legs. "Oh. Well, now that we're both exposed here," he began with a lighthearted air, "It can't be that awkward, right?"
Armin smiled a little. "I guess not."
"Can I ask you a question, then?"
"Yes, of course."
"Will you pay more attention to me now?"
Armin smiled more, but he was a bit embarrassed. "Under one condition."
"What is it?"
"We'll have to be more than friends."
Eren couldn't help smiling too. "Alright." He leaned forward and scooted out of the bean bag, just enough to be right in front of Armin and mess up his hair.

The rest of the day was a good one indeed for Armin. He felt lighter. He hadn't gone home just yet, though. In fact, most of the day was spent in Eren's room, sitting with their backs against the bed. They discussed when they'd talk to Mikasa about their news, and what they would say to her.
"I can tell her on the way home," Armin suggested.
"But I want to be there," Eren pointed out.
"Alright. We'll all three go to my place. That's probably a good idea for the both of you to go with me anyway, instead of one or the other."
"When are you going home?"
Armin paused. "Uh . . . I don't know. This evening, probably."
"It's . . ." Eren picked his phone up from the bean bag chair, checked it, then set it back down. "2:30 now."
"I'll leave in a couple hours, then, if I'm not told to leave sooner."
"What do you wanna do in the meantime?"
"I don't know. Wanna watch another movie?"
Eren squinted a little in distaste. "No, that was a mess last time."
Armin was amused. "Yeah, that's fair. So, then . . ."
"Wanna make out or something?" Eren suggested with a curious expression.
"What?" Armin looked at him in confusion. "It's only been an hour. Chill."
However, Eren didn't seem disappointed. In fact he was obviously very much amused. "It doesn't hurt to ask. But fine, be that way."
Armin almost rolled his eyes. The opportunity would've been good to take, he thought. Dammit.
As if Eren knew of Armin's surfacing regret, he smiled and asked, "Want to?"
Armin was still hesitant, but he was far more inclined to say yes this time. "Yeah, I guess."
"You surely seem convincing," Eren teased.
"Well since you want to be that way, I take it back."
Eren immediately grew nervous. "I was just messing with you! Come on!"
Armin faced him with a smug twinkle in his eyes. "That's what I thought.
"Well, are we going to get a move on or what?"
"So bossy." Eren wrapped his arms around Armin's waist and pulled him forward, bringing the both of them onto the bean bag chair with Armin on top of him.
Eren cringed as he felt something hit his side. He felt for it and pulled his phone out from under him, which he tossed aside again. After that, Eren began running his fingers through Armin's blond hair. His hand pressed against Armin's head, urging his rounder face closer to the other's. Their noses touched lightly before Eren kissed Armin's.
His lips pecked on Armin's pink nose several times before they made their way to his lips, which he seemed to never stop pecking. The soft touches evolved into actual kisses within a matter of minutes. They were short and sweet, and every kiss was better than the last.
Armin surprised Eren by how deep into the kisses he seemed to be. It was as though he was never to be kissed again, and he so needed to savor every one. Not that this was a bad thing, oh no. Eren was inspired by it, and a motivation to make him feel more arose.
Armin was the one that pulled away from the kisses. "Sorry, sorry," he signed.
"Why would you be sorry?" Eren asked, then changed the subject: "Have you kissed anyone before?"
Armin blinked. "No, why?"
"You seem to know what you're doing. More than I do," he stated.
"Oh, no, I'm just playing along."
"Alright." Eren smiled. "If you say so."
Eren pressed his lips against Armin's lips again, then he moved down and kissed his chin. He eventually ended up pecking his neck, longer and longer, until he was sucking on it.
"No, no," Armin said vocally before placing his hand on Eren's face to stop him. When Eren looked confused, he placed his hand on his collarbone instead.
Eren was interested in what kissing him there would feel like, so he didn't complain. He moved himself a little until he knew he would be able to easily press his lips against Armin's collarbone. He hooked two fingers on Armin's shirt collar and pulled it down, kissing him softly on his collarbone now. He didn't wait long to start sucking on his skin. He continued to suck on his flesh for a few minutes, obviously trying to leave a noticeable mark.
Armin didn't care. He'd be covered there all the time anyway, so no questions would be asked. If he was honest, he felt uncomfortable where Eren was sucking on and kissing him, but he didn't mind it much. The good feeling coming from it far outweighed the physical discomfort.
When Eren felt he was done, he planted a soft kiss on the bruised skin. He looked at Armin with pride. It was apparent that he felt some sort of ownership, per se, over Armin now, and this was his way of proving it.
"Now you know for sure that you belong to me.
"When that one starts fading," Eren began instructing, "tell me, and I'll give you another. I don't want there to be a lack of signs that you are, in fact, mine. Got it?"
Armin smiled. He thought Eren was being a bit silly, but he knew he was being genuine and, trying, at least, to be a master of seduction. "Got it."
"Good." Eren released his fingers from the shirt collar, though he didn't let it cover Armin's mark, as he was gently rubbing it with those same two fingers.
Armin closed his eyes to take in what he felt.
"Promise me now that you'll be open with me about your feelings, okay?" Eren persuaded after getting Armin's attention.
Armin nodded ever so slightly. "I promise."

________Author's Note________

It's January 1, 2019.

    This draft has been sitting here forever, waiting for the day it will be published.
    Though I have no interest in Eremin anymore, I thought it would be nice to post this for those of you who do and wish for a little bit more. :3

Happy 2019, everyone!


If you wish to keep up with me, check out my tumblr and twitter @ silveyytm!

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