Fucbois Pizzeria

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  After the party at Sharon's house, Lil Git went to his new job at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. After the 12:00 alarm rang Bitch Bonnie showed up. "Boo" he said. Lil Git, being a scared lil....well, git, jumped and threw Bitch Bonnie's legs out the window. Then Fucker Foxy appeared "Yo dude you want any pizza?" Afterwards, Lil Git crushed Fucker Foxys head with the door along with his hopes and dreams of being a pizza delivery guy. Then while that happened the prostitute chicken chick popped her head in the door only too say.."Room service?" but lil git just awkwardly stared at her while beating Bonnie's headl in slowly with a baseball bat. At that moment, the power went out. "Whoops gotta go" said the chicken ho and sprinted away. Then Freddy Fucboi Fazbear came into the office with both middle fingers up. Then he sang his theme song; "Hey hey. Hey hey. Heyheyheyheyhey. It's Freddy Fuc-boi Faz-bear" Them Lil Git ate a peanut butter sandwich and hit him with a baseball bat. He then started screaming the lyrics to "Fuck This Shit I'm Out" and set the place on fire
Da ond™

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