Halloween Thing

17 1 5

Hey guys Certtaylor back. So today this isn't a chapter. And Ik it's 1 day late. Bc the chap I'm working on is almost done. So I wants to show u guys my costume and makeup. So here it is.

LOOK IM GARROTH!! And my cuzzo doesn't want her face shown so plz respect that

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LOOK IM GARROTH!! And my cuzzo doesn't want her face shown so plz respect that. And the girl on my side is my cuzzo. Go follow her. She's amazing. KristinaMarieea

So here's my makeup

Say thx to my mom Bc she did an awesome job

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Say thx to my mom Bc she did an awesome job. Anyways that's all I wanted to say. Hugs and kisses for all. Love ya. Bye!!

A Aphmau Fanfic {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora