Characther profile:

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Name: Mikaza or Hojo , Yozora ( Last, First Name)

Meaning: Mikaze - Beautiful Wind, Hojo - Northern Line, Yozora - Night Sky

Title: Ace, Captain, Prodigy, (Current)Miracle Player


Ai - senpai, Hime - senpai, Sora - senpai (Sawamura)

Mikaza - senpai, Yozora - senpai (Haruichi)

Mikaza - senpai, Ai - senpai (Furuya)

Mimi - chan, Hojo - chan, Sora - chan (Miyuki)

Mikaze-san, Yozora-san, Sora-san (3rd year and 2nd year, bit later with -chan)

Yozora-senpai (Haruno) Sora-chan (Manager)

Age: 16

Birthday: 4.September

Height: 177cm

Look: Brown long wavy hair ( This Picture is closes that she actully looks)

Look: Brown long wavy hair ( This Picture is closes that she actully looks)

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Purple eyes with blue tint.(Something like this picture under)

(Something like this picture under)

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She is confident and kind person. She make other confident with there self and can see that she is a easy to talk with. She is sensitive to her past and her team.

She will always find a way to make other smile and believing them self, when she is angry or annoyed she give them a smake with her paper fan and call them last name. That's means that she is really angry.

Clothing style: Her style is mix of Feminine, Girly and Sweet, to Boyish, Sexy and Edgy.


1st - 2nd year - Akagi Junior School (former)

3rd year - Seibu Junior School (former)

American baseball team Under-20 ( former)

2nd year - Seido High School (Current)


She live with her Grandparents and her big brother Tsubasa for her childhood. She was looking out and see kids play with other. She has a difficult time to make friends and many she as her perfect girl with good grade and her looks. Many stay away from her that they is going be friend with her. Her families was always busy. Her parents was always busy with there job. But they still visit them time to time. Her father is the leader of the sports community and her mother is working with fashion and beauty industry.Her sister was marriage with her husband and there kids in Tokyo.  Her sister is own a bakery with her husband. Tusbasa, her brother was in 2year in high school and was thinking  to play volleyball player and sports therapist in there future. She was in love  to baseball and that's because a woman was playing with a team's of boys. She was smiling and ask her dad she can play with him and his old friends. She was thinking to be all-round player.

Yozora was going to school one day, but she bump to a boy name Sawmura Eijun. He was kohai to her. She see that he has a lot of wounds and cuts, and then she take him to a bench to treat his wounds. He see that she catchers glove and ask her nicely if she can catch his pitcher. She say yes after that she gave him tips and idea for him can make him a great player. She think him a little brother for her and was happy for him that he has a team, but something happen. Her grandfather was in the hospital for his back was hurting so much after working with the garden. In her 3 year of junior school she switch school that near her grandparents house, but she was always taking contact with Eijun. Her father come to her one day and ask if she want to take a part of Under-20 baseball team in America. She say yes bit later and fly to America, but something happen with her and her team that's was really bad for Yozora.

(More of her past will be reveal bit later at the story.)

Families: ( Last, First Name)

Mikaze, Toru ( father)

Mikaze Hojo, Nadeshiko (Mother)

Shibuya,  Mariko ( Older sister)

Shibuya, Takashi ( Mariko' s Husband)

Shibuya, Lisa and Soma (Mariko kids, twins)

Mikaze, Tsubasa (Big Brother)

Hojo, Yamato (Grandfather)

Hojo, Kaiya (Grandmother)

Manager and research

All-round Player

Catcher (Main),Pitcher (Semi-Main)

Player Data and Stats:

- Scanning Ability

-Data Collection

- Batting: Both, mostly left

-Throw: Both

Diffence: 5/5

-Shoulder: 5/5

Running. 3/5

Physical Strength : 4/5

Mental Strength: 5/5

Batting: 4/5

-Contact: 5/5

-Power: 3/5

Pitcher Data:

Speed 3/5

Stamina 4/5

Control 5/5

She can throw any pitch and pitching style


- She hate green pepper.

-Is afraid of prank and stuff.

-She wear glasses if she reading or in School.

- She can eat a lot of sweet and can not gain weight.

-She have always a big paper to smack Sawmura on his head if he say something or doing that he should not do.

- Has weak point for kitten.

-Has her own motorbike from her big Brother.

-Like to make a cup of tea for her self.

-She has always catcher gear and pitcher glove in her bag, if coach want she is taking a part of training with they other player.

- Have 2 to 3 notebooks if she run out of space in her book.

-She has model one time when one of her mother model was sick .

-She are number one in class, but she don't have great grad in History.

-Has always big respect to her senpai.

- She is Ambidextrous, but her dominant is her right hand.

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