Chapter 4

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"Talking "

"I am not ready for all this, but I give my best for this team. I hope that your guys can take care of me as your manager and trainer for this year and next year too- I hope that I can make a big change for this team and that is not gone happen Ei-chan. I hope that you guys are ready for some harsh comment about what happens today's match." says Yozora evilly at them and leaning her head a bit.

Seidou is still under their golden week training camp. They are going to have a three-way match with Inashiro and Shuuhoku. Now everybody is helping each other to get better and better. Sawamura is running with Furuya and Haruichi, but it turns to competitive between Furuya and Sawamura. Haruichi is trying to get them to calm down and not run too fast because they have practice after.

"It seems like that they are gone tired them out even the camp is not over," says Miyuki and looks at them. "They are gone make everything worst for us too." says Kuramochi.

Miyuki and Kuramochi are taking a break from batting. Some still practice like Yuki, Masko, Issaski, and Ryosuke. Chris comes to them and stands beside Kuramochi.

"We need have them in a leash now so they are not gone be wild or crazy." says Chris. "They must be a big spirit after those comments Mikaze-chan gave them and us too." says Miyuki. "Gggeeee. Don't say that I still have bad taste after her comment. She is harsh by those comments she gave us." says Kuramochi scared thought about it.

It's still fresh inside of their mind that happen a few days ago. Some of them are mad or sad about their playing at the Kiryu match. They have this aura that is kinda weird and scary. They are just sad about those comments that Yozora gave them a few days ago.


Yozora was looking at the first string and had her poker face on the others is scared by what kinda means comments they are getting from her." How about we start with the batting lineup. Say your position, name, and year. Let's start with the lead-off hitter." says Yozora

Kuramochi steps in front, that Yozora can see clearly how is it. Kuramochi has this kinda weird feeling something has gone to happen." Shortstop, Kuramochi Yoichi, Second year." says Kuramochi for Yozora. Yozora looks a bit closer at Kuramochi and says "You are the lead-off hitter. I see that after the game I watch you have really fast legs and have speed. My dad was happy for you to try to get the second base and he sees that you are a great player in the field." Kuramoch was happy for Mikaze.-san like that fine play, but Yozora has not this happy face.

"Really hope that you can bat right side next time. But I am curious how you are great is your right side batting if you are a switch-hitter," says Yozora and smirk a bit. Dorshte she knows that I am a switch-hitter. She is scary as Ryo-san thoughts Kuramochi. If she knows Kuramochi is a switch-hitter by she does know if he can bat the right side. Why does she know that by that look of him in the game thoughts Miyuki and look at Yozora as she explains more to Kuramoch. What he can do is a lot better at his playing style.

She gave Ryosuke a few points that he can be working on, but she gave Issaski a long leecher by his batting, and at some point, he got so red on his face. Yuki gave the same as Ryosuke some few points. Masko was kinda sad by Yozora to say to him about his batting, but she went to help him with his batting and see she can kill his habit. So was that Miyuki and he stand a bit in the front and Yozora was going around him one and breath out.

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