The Middle Child

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I am a broken toy

Wedged in the middle with nowhere to hide.

Put aside for the youngest

Looked down by the oldest.

I have no purpose

A mothers purpose, is to watch her loved ones grow.

No repair shop can fix me

For I'm not broken in the outside

But in.

My spirit once thought was sure and strong

Now broken and parting.

I am told of things I should not speak

I keep it balled up inside me

As my parents bounce to me for answers.

I am a voyager

Lost at sea with no compass

To guide me.

No wind blowing my sails

Stuck between sea and floor.

I am at a stump

Two paths lay ahead of me.

Shall I let the wind carry me?

Take me to my purpose.

Even when the clock is broken

Time doesn't seem to freeze

No not for a moment.

Shall no one hear my sorrow?

Read the words spilled as ink meets paper?

Shall no one see the tears welling in my eyes?

Taste the rain as it falls?

I have heard many say

"Things happen for a reason"

But do we really agree?

We live in a world full of violence and chaos.

A question remains

What do we live for?

To see our loved ones?

To smile and play?

To mourn at a grave?

To be lost in only a thought?

What is it that pleases us?

One day it will all end.

Why doesn't the toy part in two already?

Why doesn't the voyager drown?

Why doesn't the chooser leave both paths?

The answer was there all along

It is the hope for a better life

It is the hope for an adventure to begin.

Was I expected to know this?

The younger child is all fun and play

The older child is serious and strict

The mother is worrying and busy.

Now me the Middle child

May not have seen it first

But am all about what is in between

The two of them.

The good and the bad

I must see what is really there

What they all share

Their secret.

This so my purpose

My spirit will forever be sure and strong

No longer parting.

I will wait for the wind to push my sails.

I don't need to chose a path

I need to make one.

Time didn't need to freeze

I needed to freeze

And enjoy my time

No clock is ever broken

Its just stuck at a time we should have realized.

There are many secrets that must be uncovered

Only a clock holds those secrets, answers,advice, And wisdom.

This is who I am

I am the seeker

The seer

The one in between

I am the middle child.

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