Your First Fight:Part 1

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Sixth Year

You and Harry had been having alot of minor arguments lately.You didn't talk as much as you used to and you were actually afraid that Harry was thinking you were getting too boring or something.Also,it seemed like he was stressed and it seemed like there was something he wasn't telling you.You decided the best way was to ask him after dinner.

Finally the time came and you walked out of the Great Hall with him.You tried telling yourself not to be nervous,but for some reason,you were.You grabbed his hand and asked him."Harry what's been going on with you lately?"

He looked at you in surprise."What do you mean?"

"Well,"you started."It seems like you've been getting distant.Atleast from me.I was just wondering...You're not getting bored with me are you?"

Harry gave you a sympathetic look."Oh c'mon (Y/N).Of course I'm not getting bored with you!It's just..."

"Yes?"You asked eagerly.By now you'd both stopped in the hallway.

"I just...need some time to think sometimes."

Your shoulders fell."What?Are you saying that you don't want to be around me as much?I was right!You are getting bored with me!"

"No,(Y/N),I'm not!"

"Than tell me why are you hiding things!What aren't you saying?!"You started to shout. You yanked your hand out of his.

"I...I can't tell you,"he said.

Tears started to fill your eyes."If you can't share deep things with your girlfriend than you don't know how to have one."


"No!If you wanted break up you could've just told me!"Tears spilled all over your cheeks as you ran off toward the Hufflepuff common room.

Gryffindor had just beat Slytherin in a quidditch match and Ron had been the hero of the game.You were all celebrating in the Gryffindor common room,cheering for Ron. You were smiling and cheering him on too.

Then suddenly,out of the blue,Lavender Brown comes up to him and kisses him!Actually kissed him!On the lips!And he was kissing her back!All the people in the room erupted into "oooooohs".Your covered your mouth with your hand as tears sprang into your eyes immediately.You felt like going up to her and giving her a punch in the face. But you held back the urge and left instead.

You ran into one of the towers and sat on the steps.You sobbed so hard it hurt.You cried and cried;tears kept falling to the ground.You then jerked your head up to see none other than Ron and Lavender come running into the room.

"Oops,"Lavender sneered."Looks like this room's taken."

You felt your face heat up from anger.You stood up abrubtly.You walked toward Ron and slapped him across the face,which made a loud crack.Lavender gasped,totally overexaggerating.Ron stood over you though,still a little shocked that you slapped him.

"I LOVED YOU!!!"You screamed at him."I really did!And you turned your back on me!" Ron didn't say anything as you turned away in tears and left.

You could tell Draco was going through a rough time right then,but he wouldn't tell you anything.At first you were asking him things,and he'd reject telling you.Soon you just gave up.

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