It must not work for everyone

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   The night was cold and dry in the city of Gotham. Alice Havoc entered The Sirens bar as a small show went on in the back of the room. She noticed Barbara Keen and Tabitha Galavan watch in the back at the counter. 

She made her way over to them as she looked up at the performer. The man wore a top hat and a clean suit. He was handsome with a touch of a mischievous look to him. He spoke to the group of audience  as a volunteer stood up on the stage, looking blank and still. The man preforming the act looked over at Alice as she made her way over to the two girls. His gaze met hers, but Alice looked away as soon as their eyes met.

"I thought this was a bar, not a circus." Alice spoke quietly as she approached the two.

"Wow, warm welcoming, huh?" Barbara grinned as she looked over at Alice. 

"Selena is looking for a friend that went missing, so I have nothing better to do. What's this?" Alice asked referring to the act.

"Hypnotist." Tabitha spoke before taking a sip from her glass.

Alice shook her head slightly amused as she watched. The volunteer stood on  top of a chair, the back part. Shocked everyone was and shortly after the act was over, the man was taken out of the state of being hypnotized with a count down from the man in the suit.

Barbara stood up as the audience clapped, "Can you make people do whatever you tell them to do?"

"Only things they secretly wish to do. It's surprising what people wish for, secretly, deep down." He grinned back at barbara. 

The audience dismissed themselves and the man got off the stage as he walked over to the three.

"You must be a very popular man." Alice smiled as he walked up to them.

"Oh, I wish." He smiled back at her. "Parties like this help pay my way, so thank you." He said as he looked at Barbara.

"And you're new to Gotham?" Tabitha included.

"Yes, just arrived from up north."

"You have a place to stay?" Barbara then added

"Not yet, but something always seems to turn up." He said as he looked away.

"I never got your name." Alice furrowed her brows as she looked at him.

"Jervis....Jervis Tetch." He said holding out his hand. "and what is yours?" 

"Alice.... Alice Havoc." She smiled as she shook his hand.

Jervis's eyes widened slightly. He looked into her eyes and didn't let go of her hand.

Alice furrowed her brows once again and looked at the girls, confused. 

"Is there- there something wrong?" she asked him as she released her hand.

Jervis shook his head and casually chuckled. "No, no. My apologies. It's just, you reminded me of someone." He sighed slightly.

"Oh, I see."

"Why don't you do some of your magic on Alice?" Tabitha smirked as she looked at Alice. 

"I would love too!" He smiled big as he held out his hand once more.

She was hesitant at first but then took his hand. He guided her up on the stage and pulled a watch out. 

He opened it and the ticking began instantly.

"Listen to the ticking, as it synchronizes with your heartbeat." He began to speak.

Alice tried to focus on the ticking.

"Now look into my eyes. Not above them. Not around them. But deep into their center." He spoke soothingly. 

Alice did as she was told, she looked right into his dark eyes and nothing more.

"You are completely relaxed and are nothing but weightless."

It was silent and Alice focused on nothing but the ticking and his eyes.

Jervis paced slowly as he held up the ticking watch. He walked behind her and held his body up against hers as he whispered in her ear. "Do you feel tired?" 

Alice took a second to try and infuse the hypnotism. She turned her head and looked into his eyes once more, their faces only inches away.

"Am I suppose to feel tired?" she let out a slight chuckle as if she thought it was a joke.

Tabitha and Barbara looked at each other surprised.

Jervis, his jaw dropped slightly and his eyes widened. You could tell he was very confused and shocked that it didn't affect her.

"How?" he whispered to himself as he looked into her eyes as they remained super close.

"It must not work for everyone." She whispered back to him as she smirked.

"Why can't you get her to do it?" Barbara asked him as she crossed her arm.

"It's like she's untouched." Jervis announced, eyes still glued together.

"Untouched?" Tabitha questioned as she took a sip from her wine.

"Yes, the watch doesn't induce her."

"Glad to know I can't be controlled by a couple ticks from a watch." Alice winked at him as she left his side. She jumped down from the stage and walked over to the bar.

Jervis remained on the stage. His expression was muddled and he shoved his watch in his pocket. 

Alice grabbed a bottle of wine and headed towards the doors.

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Tetch." She hollered as she raised the bottle of alcohol and exited the building.

"Put that bottle on her tab." Barbara hollered at one of her employees.

Jervis stood on the stage and grinned slightly to himself as he thought about the girl. Her name brought him pleasure and her rejection to the hypnotism centered him with curiosity.


Alice walked down the alley when she exited the building. She sat down on a crate that was placed near the wall of the building and leaned her back against the rough brick. She popped open the bottle of wine and took a sip, her face tensed as the bitter alcohol covered her taste buds.

She sighed and looked down at the bottle, "What a waste." She spoke quietly to herself as she turned over the bottle, allowing the beverage to seep out and spatter against the concrete floor. 

She sat there quietly and relaxed as the chilly breeze in the air hit her skin, sending chills all over her body.

She heard foot steps come down the alley and a small tune, sang by whistling.

Alice sat there inaudible and discreet as a man passed her. It was Jervis, the man she met at the bar.

She was curious to where he was staying, so she got up from the crate and followed behind him with a distance in between.

The man seemed to know were he was going, which made her peculiar. But she held her head down low as she followed him into the bright city night of gotham.


She Can't Be Touched (Jervis Tetch x Oc Fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now