Chapter 7: The Bitter Truth

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I was walking around outside of town until I saw a snowman it asked me to take a piece of it and I did but I stayed for a while and talked. I told him/her about the surface world how it was so beautiful. How the birds would sing and the flowers bloom. And they seem satisfied. I bid farewell to them and continued my way.

I was walking for a while now and I was back at the weird shaped lamp. I touched the station or some sort of checkpoint and sat down on the bench. I found myself comfortable and soon I started singing...

" Listen and hear a song the birds are singing
Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming
A pleasant breeze flows by leaving a trail of DUST
This is your fault, right?

Standing in the corridor
Who thought we'd be here like this together?
On a gorgeous day like this, I ask
What is it that you want?

I believe there was a time
Where we could be pals and things were better
Eating bad food, enjoying laughs
Can we go back to that?

If you're in there listening, kid,
Just reset the timeline and
Let's please forget all of this

Even after what you did he believed in you
'til the end.

Looking at your face right now
That expression tells me I can't
Afford not to care anymore

Turn this path around, wipe your dirty hands clean.
Give up!

Please don't come back
If you're my friend


Listen and hear a song the birds are singing
Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming
A pleasant breeze flows by leaving a trail of - (dust)
How could you have done this?

Is there still
A glimmer of hope?
Will you choose
To do the right thing?

Please now, bud
If you're there
Have a change of heart

Listen and hear a song the birds are singing
Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming
What a nice day..."

After I was done I heard footsteps coming towards me. I froze on my seat and waited until the footsteps were close to me. The aura between us was... Unsettling... I didn't turn around and just stayed there.

"n i c e s o n g , h u h ? w h e r e ' d y o u h e a r d t h a t ?" A cold, deadly tone of voice echoed in my ears I could feel how he hated the song.

"I-I don't know... I just sang it and that's it..." I replied almost whispering it.

"wow, i didn't know you sing like an angel." Sans smiled as he took a seat next to me.

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"did i startled you that much?" He said.

"Heh, yeah... You got me good there. How did you know I was here?" I asked him.

He rested his foot on the wooden board table and shrug.

"i heard ya' sing and followed it." He said casually.

I smiled down and looked at the trees. There was silent. At first it was nice and peaceful but as the longer we stay silent, the weirder the aura gets.

"So, your brother is cool." I say trying to get rid of the silence. As I look at him, his pinpricks were not there and he smiles... creepily. I got startled and slightly flinched but he returned back to normal and acted like he didn't know what he did.

That Comedian.

"yeah, he is cool." He replied.

"I'm getting board, Sans." I said. His eye sockets go wide (if that's even possible) and turned around me.

"did you just made... a pun?" He said smiling wide.

"Uh... Did I?" I said innocently. He smiled and started laughing.

I didn't know what I did but I smiled somehow and laughing a little.

"so your really going to go?" He asked.

"Yeah. Besides I can't wait to see my sibling. I bet that kid had a wonderful life." I said smiling wide.

I noticed him flinch and looked to me.

"your looking for your sibling?" He asked sweat dropping from his skull.

I looked at him straight in his eye sockets.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see how monsters treated that kid. I bet your awesome king killed even if they are just children. Because you Monsters couldn't just get one SOUL, go over the barrier and take 7 more but NO YOU JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE CHILDREN GETTING KILLED ONE BY ONE. THEN ERASE THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. ISN'T IT A NICE VIEW SANS HUH?" I said venom in my words.

"I wish I was there." I said laughing nervously and tears poured down to my cheek.

He stared at me. Looking all sorry. I covered my eyes and started crying.

"Why... That kid didn't do anything, why do they deserve to die..." I cried.

I felt a warm hand started comforting me. I looked at Sans and he smiled at me. I hugged Sans and cried on his shoulder.

"They can't bring them back... they can't..." I said.


Author: Sorry if it took tooooo long to upload I had to cuz I am addicted to a game called Z-Girls and can't stop :3

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